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Wii U Won't Have All GameCube Titles

July 21, 2011

Nintendo has announced that the Wii U isn't compatible with the mini GameCube discs, but don't worry because some titles will still be available via downloading them onto your Wii U.

Amber McCollum, Nintendo of America's director of entertainment and trend marketing has this to say:

"Nintendo’s history usually goes back one system.  The Wii was compatible with GameCube and Wii U will be compatible with Wii and that’s pretty traditional in launches from Nintendo.[...] The GameCube discs will not be compatible with Wii U, but a number of the games that were playable on GameCube can be downloaded from WiiWare."

No list on what those downloadable GameCube games will be, but it's nice that Nintendo is thinking of their GameCube fans that are out there.


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