Wow, it's been a long time since I've played this game so I'm glad to hear it.
The Behemoth just released two, BRAND new DLC packs for Castle Crashers on Xbox Live. The Pink Knight pack and The Blacksmith pack. The pink knight was available to download when the Game was first released on the Playstation Network a couple months ago.
The first one should be pretty explanatory. You get the brand new Pink Knight character who uses the magic of love to kill his (yes he's male) enemies. It also feature 4 new weapons to use. Also for every 50,000 downloads on Live, 1.00 will be donated to fund research for the cure for breast cancer. And how much does it cost on Xbox live? Absolutely nothing. It's free.
Unfortunately the second one is not free. But it sure looks like its worth the money. The Legend of the Blacksmith pack gives us 5 new weapons and the mysterious and awesome looking new Purple Knight. The pack only cost 160 MS points. No word has been said if this will make it onto PSN.
I know what I'm doing tomorrow. Getting some points to get that DLC!
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