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Saints Row Walking Apocalyspe Trailer

August 18, 2011

Volition your teasing wont end for me until I get this game. At gamescom the developer released a new trailer for their new out of this world Sandbox title, Saints Row the Third.

We are Introduced to one of our newest foes to face, Eddie "Killbane" Pryor of his other nickname "The Walking Apocalypse". A once famous Mexican wrestler banned from his country after killing a man in the ring, Killbane fled to Steelport to form and lead the Luchadores. With the help of your newest crew member Angel de la Muerte, (voiced by Hulk Hogan himself) You fight Killbanes forces to weaken the Syndicate as a whole.

Seeing as Volition released a video introducing The Syndicate and Morning Star, we will likely see a new video in the near future showing us the last gang in Steelport, the Deckers and maybe even the Special Tatics Anti Gang-unit (STAG). Stay Tuned!


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