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EA Doesn't Give Promised Game, So They Get Taken To Court

November 18, 2011

EA once promised PlayStation 3 owners that they would be getting a free copy of Battlefield 1943 when they bought Battlefield 3, weeks after the release of that game, no one has gotten their free copy. This didn't sit well with customers, so now they are taking EA to court.

After the initial wave of people asking EA where their free game was, back in October, EA quickly said, "In lieu of 1943 being available on disk for PS3 customers, EA has made all BF3 expansions available early to PS3 customers." The problem with that is that EA has previously announced back in September that DLC was going to be released for PlayStation 3 customers already.

Fast forward to now and EA is being sued for the old bait and switch routine. The firm, Edelson McGuire, is taking EA straight to court with their class action suit filed against them on behalf of the PlayStation 3 owners who were promised early DLC and a free game.



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