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Marvel Cancels X-23

November 15, 2011

orry for my lack of posts today, I've been juggling school and Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 along with building a dresser and ending up having blisters. And I'm going to apologize once more due to the bad news I have for readers of X-23.

Marvel has announced today that the female clone of Wolverine's on going comic book series has been cancelled. This marks the fourth comic book to be cancelled by Marvel as X-23 now joins Victor Von Doom, Alpha Flight and Destroyers. The reasons for X-23's cancellation is unknown at this time, but it is believed that X-23 #20 will be the last issue.

Fans of Laura shouldn't fear though, for she will be joining Avengers Academy in January and she will also appear in a Venom mini event Marvel has planned.


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