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New Mass Effect 3 details & Fem Shep Poll part 2

August 18, 2011

Wow so theres a lot of new stuff here for Mass Effect 3 here so lets get the small stuff out of the way.

Last month Bioware asked us how we want the default Female Shepard look like for ME3 and it's box art, and we chose the long haired blond Shepard. However that was only the first part of the poll. Now we can choose what her hair color will be. We have four choices between the blond, brunette, dirty blond and the red head Shep. To cast your vote just visit the Mass Effect's facebook page and "like" your favorite.

Even when the galaxy's near destruction, Fem Shep needs to look her best

In other news concerning the game Bioware has been giving us some juicy details concerning Mass Effect 3's new and improved gameplay.

The Omni-Blade and Grenades
The omni-tool was a very well known device for Mass Effect fans. For those of you who are confused the omni-tool was a holographic interface that you can access via your arm and it could do almost anything from hacking systems, marketing transactions, web-browsing and even playing video games. It did everything...but kill people. Now that's changed with Shepards new tool of destruction, the omni-blade.

If Ezio was an assassin in 2186, this would be his hidden blade.

Holding down the melee button will cause the camera to shake and close in on Shep making it feel more powerful, then releasing a devastating and fatal blow to any unlucky sap who gets in the way. Bioware also stated that the animation of the blades attack will be different for each class and some will use biotic energy rather than their omni-tool (i.e. Adepts)

But that's not at Shepard has at his disposal. Grenades have returned in full form of a tool rather than just an extra ability (from ME2's Zaeed and Kasumi DLC). Instead of just being a flying disc from ME1, they will act like real throwing grenades and there are going to be different kinds that can all be upgraded.

The Improved Power System
Upgrading your powers was said to be more advanced this time around and now were told how it works. The power upgrade is the same as it was in Mass Effect 2 using the squad point system (except we'll be given six power levels, increasing the level cap) but now every time we upgrade a power we have a choice how its going to affect it.

The new squad power menu for ME3

For example we want to fully upgrade Liara's Singularity. This ability allows Liara to create a powerful biotic field that can suck in and incapacitate multiple enemies for a brief time, allowing us to attack safely. Buying the first three upgrades will increase the power naturally but by the fourth purchase we can choose either to increase its duration or radius. The fifth upgrade can be either increased damage or a faster cool-down period. And the last upgrade we can choose to either have the radius increase by 50% for the first 10 seconds or we can make it collapse on itself and creating a huge explosion when the power ends.

Increased Mobility
Shepard felt kinda clunky and slow in the first two games. While we were able to vault in the second game it still felt like Shep was wearing Master Chiefs one-ton armor. Now that is changing for Mass Effect 3. We already saw Shepard's new combat roll ability which helps him/her dodge enemy fire and escape into cover quicker, but he/she's way more agile than that. Hold down the sprint button towards cover, (don't worry, Shep won't run out of breath this time), keep holding it and you simply jump over it with ease allowing you to move forward. Shepard also can now smoothly transition from cover to cover a la Gears of War style.

That Human's got a Squad
Bonus points for those who got the reference there. Your Squad was always important in Mass Effect and in the final installment, they'll only be better. The new Kinect voice command makes leading your squad easier but you can still be efficient with the controller. Say an enemy holding a shield advances towards you. You can order a squad-mate to distract them while you or another ally can flank him from behind, or you can simply have Liara use singularity, rendering that shield utterly useless and leaving you to finish him off.

New Toys to play with.
Shepard has a lot of weapons, tools and gadets on him/her, but now the Commander can use almost anything we find on the battlefield. If you kill an enemy their weapon is now yours to use rather than just picking up their thermal-clips. Shepard can also use mounted turrets to mow down multiple enemies and fight larger foes. The most impressive though is the new Atlas mech.

Maybe he's compensating...

Controlling this behemoth can help you tear away enemy forces with ease, but getting it won't be easy. The only way to hop in is by killing the pilot without destroying the machine itself and sometimes you wont have a choice. Your weapons and powers wont be able to take his shields out easily from up front, you have to attack from behind. But that will be hard when you're being attacked by a barrage of missiles and gunfire, not to mention the thing can take out you and your team mates up close by grabbing you and squeezing your innards. Ouch...

You can see what I mean in this video here.

Mas Effect 3 is shaping up to be the most exciting and challenging game in the series. Fight for the Galaxy March 6, 2012.


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