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Aquaman #1 Review

September 28, 2011

Aquaman has been the butt end of every superhero joke; jokes going from he can't do anything out of the water to he can only talk to fish. Geoff Johns did an excellent job capturing the fact that people do make fun of Aquaman, but he also makes the reader feel bad about it and shows that Aquaman can actually do more.

Aquaman is off to a good start so far, Johns has made Aquaman a great character so far with his ability to make readers feel bad about making fun of Aquaman when he's being interviewed by the blogger. We already are given a group of enemies that look like they will cause some major problems for Aquaman.

I really do believe that the best part of this issue was that Johns acknowledges that Aquaman is heavily made fun of and that people don't see him much as a strong hero, it brings so many details to Aquaman's personlity, it gives him the chance to show people that he's much more capable of "talking to fish"; he doesn't really talk to fish really, he actually reaches "into their midbrains and telepathically push them to help [Aquaman] out ," (you learn something new everyday).

You really do not need to know too much backstory about Aquaman to read this comic at all, which is good since that's what the New 52 is all about, bringing in new readers who don't know much about the DC Universe. Johns gives you his background while Aquaman chit chats with a blogger. Aquaman's real name is Aurthur, his dad is a human while his mother was the Queen of Atlantis which makes him the King of Atlantis and that his name was a Lighthouse Keeper. The only thing that isn't really explained too much is how he became king, which anyone can easily use Google for that.

I really like Aquaman as a character, he wants to live his life, free of Atlantis and be with his girl, Mera. He helps people, he throws his life on the line and he doesn't get much respect from the people he saves, which happens to a lot of heroes you can say; it all makes me feel really bad for him.

The new bad guys being introduced look like they will give Aquaman a run for his money, especially since these humanoid piranha creatures are coming in swarms and has already taken a fisherman as the first victim. Nothing is known about these baddies except that they emerged from the bottom of the ocean ignorant of the above world, And now that they are on land, they have found a new food source - humans.

At first I thought Aquaman was going to be mediocre, but it's not, I really enjoyed it. I would definitely put this as one of my top favorite New 52 comics. Overall the comic was great, it captured my attention, it built a great character for Aquaman and it's already got some mysterious bad guys heading his way. I'm excited for this series, I'm going to be following it, that's for sure. Next up on my reading list is The Flash, I've heard the artwork is really nice in it; I'll try to review it later today. 

And also, Aquaman isn't afraid to eat fish and chips.


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