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The Secret Avengers Gets A New Make Over

October 16, 2011

The Secret Avengers is getting a makeover this Feburary starting with it's Point One Initiative issue, #21.1, following that, issue #22 everything starts to take shape and form.

Marvel has announced that the Secret Avengers will be losing members but also gaining new ones. Issue #21.1 will bring about the appearance of a newly formed Masters of Evil. Issue #22 is to start a new arc for the newly formed Secret Avengers in which the bad guys are hyper evolved descendants of the Super Adaptoid, the android A.I.M created by putting a shard of the cosmic cube inside of him to take out the Avengers.

The new team will have some cross overs with Venom and Uncanny X-Force, especially with Uncanny X-Force #5.1, no details were given about that though.

For those wondering, the new team will consist of Hawkeye leading Black Widow, Ant-Man, Beast, Venom (Eddie Brock's Venom suit), Valkyrie, Captain Britain and a man who resembled the Human Torch. Now the guy who looks like the Human Torch can either be the original Human Torch or Johnny Storm, my guess is that it's going to be the original, Jim Hammon, that or it's Toro.

Issue 21.1 with have Rick Remender as the writer and Patrick Zircher as the illustrator. Then issue 22 will include Gabriel Hardman joining Remender.


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