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Happy Birthday To A Legend

November 16, 2011

WOAH! Stop right there, because today is a legends birthday. This man alone has revolutionized gaming, bringing us amazing classics, such as: Mario, Donkey Kong, The Legend OF Zelda,Star Fox, F-zero, and Pikmin. He basically is Nintendo. The only thing he may be missing from his queue of games may just be Pokemon.

Miyamoto was born in November 16, 1952 in Sonobe, Kyoto, Japan. He was like a lot of us, he didn't do so good in school, because all the time he was in class, he would draw and draw. He got many of his ideas for games such as The Legend of Zelda, by a simple visit to a cave or forest. It's amazing that two of the most iconic game titles and figures, where made all by the same man, from childish ventures. Continue to bless us with your work, you are an inspiration to many, including myself.

Happy Birthday.


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