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Kojima Might Make Metal Gear Solid 5

November 21, 2011

Last Thursday we thought the latest issue of PlayStation Magazine was going to announce Metal Gear Solid 5, but in truth, it wasn't quite what everyone was suspecting.

Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima was asked about whether there would ever be a fifth installment to the beloved series, in which he stated, "I think we'll probably have to make it at some point, but what that will be, we have no idea. As far as my involvement in the project is concerned, [it] probably won't be as much as it was with MGS1 – maybe I can do just one stage! For MGS1 I made the maps myself, laid out the enemy routes myself, did everything hands-on – that level I can't do again."

This is pretty much the same thing as when Nintendo said they were interested in making another Smash Bros.; it isn't a for sure thign that will happen, it's more like a maybe or hopefully it will happen.


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