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Nintendo Reveals Holiday Bundles for the Season

November 21, 2011

Nintendo plans to make big money this holiday season by releasing not one, but TWO 3DS bundles this Christmas. We've already made posts of the upcoming Legend of Zelda bundle, but there is another.

The big N will also be releasing a Super Mario 3DS bundle which will contain a fire red 3DS system and a copy of Super Mario 3DLand.

Both bundles will be available for the holidays on November 24th and will both cost $199.00 each. Nintendo plans to make some money this season to make up for what they lost in the past several months. But that's not all they have in store. Nintendo will be setting up booths in several malls across the U.S. showcasing and holding demos of the hottest upcoming titles for the Wii and 3DS for the holidays. You can see which malls they're visiting here.


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