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Saints Row Genki Bowl VII and TF2 items

January 17, 2012

Yesterday was the official release of Saints Row the Third's first DLC Genki Bowl VII, which is available for 800 MS points (free with a season pass) have a look at it's trailer if you're curious on what to expect.

Unfortunately I wont be downloading this due to lost of interest of Saints Row the Third and I'm really enjoying the Fenix Rising DLC and Skyrim as of right now But that's not all that's going on in the world of Saints Row.

Those who own the Steam Version of Steam can get 9 bobble-head masks of Valves favorite mercenaries, the classes of Team Fortress 2!

These masks will be available for free of charge and is downloaded just like a patch. Then you can blow up people wearing only the demoman mask, or headshot people as Sniper with blue skin. Anything is possible, makes me wish I has the game on steam now...


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