
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

Guess That Screenshot

February 22, 2012

Tonight I'm going to try something new and fun, depending on your perspective of fun. Every other day or so I'll be posting a screenshot from a random game, it will be a character, environment or something else within said game. It is then up to you guys to guess what game the screenshot comes from, and if you guess right you get a sense of accomplishment.

Our community here is quite small, very very small, so this might not be a big hit; at least it's a fun little activity.

Tonight I'll do an easy one, so can you guess where this screenshot comes from?


  1. Desuri said...:


  1. Desuri said...:

    No, can't be mama..

  1. Blake said...:

    Rock, paper scissors!

  1. Desuri said...:

    You all suck, it's obviously sims 3.

  1. Androo said...:

    You're all wrong, it was Tekken.

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