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New Team Fortress 2 Update With Diamonds

February 14, 2012

A new update has been released today for Team Fortress 2 that gives the chance for someone to give "Something Special For Someone Special", the update also has also caused an uproar.

First, Team Fortress 2 has put a $100 diamond ring into the game just in time for Valentines Day. The ring is actually worth $100 and is only giftable, not tradable. When you gift the ring to someone on a server a proposal message will pop up for everyone to see. Once the ring is received then you and the player you gave the ring to will have matching diamond bands.

The thing that is causing tons of distress is the Heavy's Sandvich getting nerfed back to it's near original state. As of now, the Sandvich "will only resupply ammo if the owner picks it up after dropping it. This means the only way to gain health from the Sandvich is by eating it." Originally the Sandvich allowed the Heavy to get back some health after picking up the Sandvich.

I welcome this new balanced tactic; the Heavy already has enough health as is, and it's harder to take him down when he has a medic over-healing him and it's harder to kill a Heavy when he's being healed and after being taken to low health he re-heals himself with a Sandvich. I'm glad they balanced the game, I've never like how the Heavy got to do that, other players on the other hand aren't happy. The heavy always gets buffed and nerfed though, so I expect the next update will allow the Heavy to pull another annoying tactic move.

Enough of my rant, back to the news. The patch notes also reveal something that makes no sense as the last entry reads "Hcqngrq gur ybpnyvmngvba svyrf". In reality it was a decoded message that says that it's just an updated localization file.


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