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Fear Itself 2 Review

May 5, 2011

Holy crap, if I thought Fear Itself #1 was amazing, then my mind was not prepared for Fear Itself #2. This event is getting better and better so far and I cannot wait for all the other Fear Itself arcs to come out. The Cocoa Pebbles I was eating at 1:30 in the morning almost fell out of my mouth as my jaw dropped in the second issue of Fear Itself and Fear Itself: Spider-Man.

Let me start off with Fear Itself #2, we got to finally find out who the Worthy are in this issue. Think of them as the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse, but there are 8 of them with magic hammers under the control of the Serpent King, who is an enemy of Odin. If he's an enemy of Odin, then you know you have a powerful bastard on your hands. Odin led the Asgardians back to their realm of Asgard,leaving Midgard to fend for itself as the Serpent King unleashes fear, all while Odin is dragging Thor in chains. Thor wants to stay and protect Midgard and he accuses Odin of being a coward. Not this doesn't make Odin happy, no one accuses the All-Father of being a coward, so he chains Thor and locks him up.

The whole issue had such an intense atmosphere, and revolves around lesser known characters; such as Titania and Absorbing Man. But there was action on every panel; the Juggernaut and Hulk got turned into a Worthy, thus being enslaved by these magical Hammers and now serve the Serpent King. I got chills from it all, it was extremely well done, Matt Fraction is doing a superb job on this.

Even Chris Yost is doing excellent in this event, and it shows in Fear Itself: Spider-Man. Here, Spider-Man is webbing through New York saving the fine citizens of New York during this fear storm. He isn't even making him usual jokes this time, he's 100% serious as he fears that Aunt May is hurt or dead.

Fear Itself is becoming extremely promising, and looks like it will be one of the top events Marvel has done. I cannot wait to see who else is going to be deemed as a Worthy, I'll be waiting diligently for the 3rd issue to come out.


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