
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

X-Men Schism

May 25, 2011

For anyone who has been reading the latest X-Men event. Prelude to X-Men Schism, and been wondering what the hell is going on, Marvel has finally shown some light for us. X-Men Schism is basically about a mutant related international devastation that tears up the X-Men team and will introduce a fight between the leader of the X-Men and the most feared of the X-Men; Cyclops against Wolverine.

I'm guessing that Wolverine will go against Cyclops because of an extremely tough decision Cyclops makes, which can be seen in the Prelude to Schism. Most likely Cyclops sends hundreds of mutants to their deaths and that doesn't settle with Wolverine. Either way, we'll find out what's really happening July 13th.


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