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X-Men Schism #01 Review

July 14, 2011

I just finished reading the first issue of X-Men: Schism, that comic made was full of fun, memories and shock. The prelude to this new X-Men event made it seem like something cosmic was coming for the X-Men, and one theory was that the Dreaming Celestial, Tiamut, was the one watching over them and knowing what they're planning. In reality, they were talking about humanity going back to hating and fearing the entire human race once again.

Schism starts off with Cyclops and Wolverine heading to an Arms Control Conference were Cyclops demands a partition in order to disassemble every Sentinel that every country is holding. Cyclops' demands are cut short when Kid Omega jumps into the conference and a telepathic burst against all the politicians, forcing them to spout out all their personal secrets, trying to show the world that human kinds' leaders are a bunch of no good liars (like we didn't already know that). Due to Kid Omega's interruption, a small army of Sentinels are sent to capture anyone with the descriptions of "male" and "mutant", making Wolverine and Cykes caught in the middle.

This causes a huge spark that creates burning emotions hatred and fear of mutant kind once again. Many leaders of various countries felt as if they were provoked and sends out their various designs of Sentinels to retaliate against the mutant race; North Korea being one of them. After seeing all of the Sentinels being released, Cyclops feels as if he has to fight back.

In the end, Kid Omega's attack is revealed to be provoked by a kid, Kade Kilgore, the son of Carlton Kilgore who is a arms manufacturer against mutants. Kade snuck into Utopia and busted out Kid Omega, but made Kid Omega think that it was himself that escaped. Kade did all this to become the New Black King of the Hellfire Club.

The Wolverine against Cyclops battle is an old thing, but this might be the breaking point for the two teammates. We know that this is what's going to break up the X-Men; Cyclops is going to prepare an army of mutants to prepare against the Sentinels while Wolverine thinks that not every mutant should be a soldier, that not everyone is ready, especially Hope's team. Wolverine wants all the kids to stay away from this battle while Cyclops wants to include them.

One thing I loved about this comic was Wolverine showing affection towards Idie by giving her a doll, reminding her of what she use to have. Wolverine's and Cyclops' different views are clearly different in this issue, and I love it. Jason Aaron is doing an excellent job with this and it's just been one issue, I can't wait to see what he has to offer for the rest of the series. I'd recommend this to anyone who wants to read more X-Men comics, along with the prelude issues.


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