Serebii is claiming that Pokémon Game Creator, Junichi Masuda, will be making on announcement that might be related to a new Pokémon game.
A summary got an episode of Pokémon Smash, a T.V. show that covers Pokémon in as many ways as they can, says that Junichi Masuda will be coming on to the show on September 18th to make a special announcement.
On today's episode, there was a mention of a Mewtwo that will be given away through a special promotion which will be announced next week on September 18th. There was also a preview implying Masuda's appearance with a sign having a question mark on it and having a caption that says, "There's a revelation of the Present". No idea what that's suppose to mean, but there is a high chance that the announcement will be Pokémon related, but no word on what it is exactly though.
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