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Over $1 Million Of Modern Warfare 3 Copies Stolen

November 7, 2011

It seems like anyone would do anything to get their hands on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 before it hits stores tomorrow, first someone wanted to buy a copy for $1,725 on eBay and now professional thieves highjacked two trucks filled of copies of Modern Warfare 3.

The highjacking occurred right outside of Paris where French thieves highjacked two trucks containing €780,000 (a little over $1 million). The thieves attacked the trucks at different locations all within an hour.

When the first truck was attacked, the thieves came at the innocent truck driver with tear gas while they pointed knives at him and wearing ski masks, from there the two thieves got in the truck and drove away. The second truck that was attacked was forced to stop when another vehicle was blocking it's path, three armed men then appeared out of the car and pointed their guns at the driver forcing him to get out and leaving the truck to get stolen.

The whereabouts of the thieves are currently unknown.


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