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PETA Claims That Their Attack On Mario Was A Joke

November 16, 2011

It's okay guys, PETA's attack on Mario claiming that Mario supporting the skinning of real life Tanukis was all just a joke, even the flash game they made of a skinned Tanuki running after Mario in his Tanooki suit was a joke that was misunderstood.

"Mario fans: Relax! PETA's game was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, a fun way to call attention to a serious issue, that raccoon dogs are skinned alive for their fur," Shakira Croce, PETA's media coordinator said. "We wish real-life tanukis could fly or swat enemies away with their tails and escape from those who profit from their skins. You can help them by never buying real fur."

PETA just used Mario as leverage to help bring awareness to Tanukis that are being skinned alive. Do you guys believe it? I surely don't. PETA probably realized how silly they looked and had to figure out some way to get out of it. 


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