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Deadshot Shoots His Way Into Arkham City

September 16, 2011

Last episode of GameTrailers TV was all about Rocksteady Studios and it's game, Batman: Arkham City. The episode revealed a new character for the game, a character I'm sure no one was really expecting at all.

Deadshot will be Batman's newest villain for the game as the sniping assassin takes out any living and breathing person that roams the streets of Arkham City. Deadshot won't be just a regular boss battle where you find him and deliver some punches, you have to actually track him down and avoid his gunfire as he shoots you from a distance.

Two new gadgets were also announced along with Deadshot, the first new toy for Batman is something Batman picks up from Mr. Freeze - an ice grenade. If you use it against enemies, it covers them in ice and leaves them immobile. It doesn't need to be used just on enemies though, you can use it to get across water if you need to; just throw down the device on the water then bam! You have instant ice to walk across.

The other new gadget is a Remote Electrical Charge, which Batman will carry around like a gun. This will come useful when Batman needs to turn a switch on from across the room, but he can't reach it by hand, so he aims and shoots and the electrical current will turn on the switch. You can also use it on enemies, but it just stuns them temporarily.


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