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Fear Itself Issue Six First Thought

September 16, 2011

Last night I was able to read issue six of Fear Itself and this was probably the best chapter so far. This issue contained Captain America yelling at Odin, Thor receiving armor and a sword from Odin,  Iron Man throwing himself in a pit of boiling Uru and then Cap preparing to take on the Serpent King with rifles.

This issue revolved mainly around Captain America and showing how much he's on the edge. He's been through a lot so far, his best friend was stabbed in the chest, his symbolic shield has been shattered, he doesn't want to show the people that they have lost, he's worrying about the safety of the whole planet as he tries to figure out how's he's going to evacuate Earth, he has to worry about Thor's safety and now he's about to point a loaded rifle at the Serpent King and his Worthy while he stands on the front line with no one but himself.

This issue wasn't just about Cap though, there were parts with Thor and Iron Man also. Thor was carried into Heimdall's Observatory to be transported into Asgard by Captain America, Hawkeye, Protector and Mrs. Marvel. As they walk through the gate, they are greeted by Odin and Steve was not afraid to give him a piece of his mind.

Who the hell talks like that to Odin and keeps their finger? Captain freakin America, that's who!

Odin teleports Captain America and his bridage back to Earth as Odin carries Thor back to his room. From there, Odin explains to Thor that the Serpent King can be beaten and that it will require the items that beat him in the first place. Since Odin was the one to banish the Serpent, Odin is the one who has said items, so he bestows Thor with chest armor and "a blade forged to end all things", Ragnarok, the Odinsword. Unfortunately, we don't get to see this sword in action in this issue.

After receiving Odin's gifts, Odin and Thor head over to Svartalfheim where Tony and the dwarves are busy making the weapons to help defend against the Worthy. The weapons are a combination of Stark's repulsor tech and enchanted Uru. These weapons though, will only be "Earth's mightiest weapons for Earth's mightiest heroes" if Odin gives the blessing to them, and the only way to do that is to throw the weapons into boiling Uru. No big problem for Tony to do, he can easily throw weapons into boiling Uru, but his suit is to be blessed also to be made into a weapon, the armor that's biologically attached to him. Tony throws himself and the weapons into the cauldron to be transformed into something more powerful.

Captain America is still trying to figure out what to do, he has the whole world he needs to protect but he knows he's going to fail. Knowing that he's not going to make a difference doesn't stop him though, so he heads straight towards the Serpent's floating palace armed with just a handful of rifles so he can go head to head with the God of Fear himself.

This issue gives Captain America a great story, it shows how much Captain America will go through and still won't give up, even though he knows he has been beaten. He knows that the Serpent is going to win, but hell, he's still prepared to go against him and his Worthy with just a rifle. Hell, I haven't seen Steve use a gun in such a long time. I really enjoyed Cap's part in this issue, it was amazing and showed how persistent he is. And as for Iron Man, I cannot wait to see the Mighty in action in the next and final issue of Fear Itself next month in October.

This is by far my favorite issue from this event, it's continuing to be more and more amazing.


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