Since the launch of Arkham City several posts have been made that Save files have been disappearing on the 360 version of the game, and the number grows every day. Could this be the work of the Riddler or even Two-Face? No it's apparently the work of a technical bug.
The problem seems to occur around 6 hours of play time with 80% completion of the game. Many users have claimed that this has something related with the catwoman DLC but no one is absolutely sure. The news has already reached Warner Bros. and Rocksteady and is investigating the issues right now.
I'm lucky enough that this hasn't happened to me yet but I am afraid to complete anymore of it at the fear of losing it all. Hopefully Warner Bros. will have the problem figured out and fixed as soon as possible.
I'm lucky enough that this hasn't happened to me yet but I am afraid to complete anymore of it at the fear of losing it all. Hopefully Warner Bros. will have the problem figured out and fixed as soon as possible.
Thank God I have the PS3 version :P