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Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Pre-Order Pack Costumes

November 14, 2011

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 will be coming out in the U.S. tomorrow, but that isn't stopping Capcom from posting their inspirational photos for pre-order DLC alternate costumes.

If you want these costume packs, then quickly head over to Best Buy, GameStop or order the game from Amazon to receive for alternate costumes.

The first pack is the Femme Fatale Pack which you get for pre-ordering from GameStop:

The second pack titled New Age of Heroes is available from Amazon:

The last but not least Villains Pack is a pre-order bonus from Best Buy:

Also, if you you already got Jill and Shuma-Gorath as DLC from Marvel vs Capcom 3, they both will transer over to Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and they will both contain alternate costumes. The alternate costumes are these bad boys right below:

I myself pre-ordered the Villains Pack just because of the Super Skrull and M.O.D.O.K. costumes; I use Super Skrull on my main team and Elvis M.O.D.O.K. (or Graceland M.O.D.O.C.K.) is pretty damn hilarious.


  1. Blake said...:

    Wish I pre-ordered at gamestop just to get storms Mohawk >.<

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