Pre-orders for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 is already set with a special bonus - costumes! Unfortunately, you're going to have to decide on which costume pack you want. If you pre-order at GameStop, you get the Femme Fatale Costume Pack, if you pre-order Best Buy's pack, you get the Villain Costume Pack and Amazon's pre-order will feature New Age of Heroes Costume Pack.
Choosing is going to be a pain, I want the Villain Costume Pack, but I don't know where the closest Best Buy is considering I just moved. I wouldn't mind the New Age of Heroes, but I don't play as anyone in there. It's going to be tough for me to decide, luckily I have a few more months to decide.
I want that S.T.A.R.S. Wesker so bad i am getting it from best buy
I mean come on man, S.T.A.R.S. Wesker + S.T.A.R.S. Chris + Nemesis = Hilarious