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Nintendo Press Conference - Wii U to Luigi's Mansion 2

June 7, 2011

Nintendo stole the whole damn show at E3 today with its mounds of announcements and news; they single handedly gave more news than anyone has this year with games such as Luigi's Mansion 2, Mario Kart 3DS, a new Super Smash Bro. for the 3DS and the Wii U.

The Wii U is Nintendo's new console name, hopefully they're not sticking with it, with an unique eye brow raising design.

I'm not too sure which Zelda game this is from, obviously it looks like Twilight Princess but it doesn't look too familiar.

The new console sure is an interesting way of gaming, but will this stop all the Nintendo hate? Maybe this will give Nintendo a chance to have originality to their games as opposed to their consoles; 3rd party developers are already partnering up with Nintendo and have already made games such as Arkham City and Metro Last Light for their new console. It finally seems like Nintendo will be up to par with the other consoles in this new age of gaming; sure people want old but new, but thats kind of difficult to do in this new gaming era, so I believe Nintendo is doing their best and will be successful. Games were also announced for during the conference; a new Luigi's Mansion will be coming out for the 3DS (wish it were for the Wii though) a new Mario Kart for the 3DS and a few other 3DS titles. One announced game though got the audience going: Super Smash Bros. A new Super Smash Bro. will be coming out for the 3DS AND the Wii U; both systems will be capable of allowing shared gaming for the game, supposedly.

Nintendo had a very big announcement, and they did a nice job executing it; their new console is innovating and gives them a chance to mend wounds with gamers with their 3rd party development possibilities. 


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