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Spider-Man Edge of Time - Updated

June 8, 2011

Another trailer came out of E3 the other day, this time it is a trailer for Spider-Man: Edge of Time.

The trailer looks nice and hopefully it will be as good as Shattered Dimensions and that Beenox stays true to the comics (even though I doubt they won't). One thing does concern me though, why is Anti-Venom killing Spider-Man? Eddie Brock is suppose to be turning his life around with Anti-Venom by being a good guy, despite Spider-Man thinking otherwise. I just really want to know how Beenox is going to pull this off.

Spider-Man dying is a good idea for a game since we have never seen anything like that, not that I can remember at least. But the whole aspect of the game sounds like it can be well done; Spider-Man dying, Spider-Man 2099 time traveling to the past to prevent Parker from dying and what not. I have complete faith in Beenox to do a well executed job.

I found out the reason why Anti-Venom is fighting Spider-Man and the reason why he dies; this piece of information is taken from an article on Gameinformer:

"Developer Beenox teamed up with comic book icon Peter David to write the story for Spider-Man: Edge of Time. At the same time, they created a brand new villain, an evil scientist by the name of Walker Sloan. At the beginning of the game, Sloan creates a time portal and travels back in time to kill the Amazing Spider-Man thereby altering the course of history and creating a dystopian future. Only Spider-Man 2099 is aware of the anomaly, so using the time portal to warn the Amazing Spider-Man of his impending doom. The two heroes decide to team up and stop Sloan from creating his own, twisted version of the future. 

Choices that the Amazing Spider-Man makes in the past will affect the world of Spider-Man 2099 in the future. Unfortunately, Sloan has implanted a chip inside the head of Anti-Venom, which allows the mad scientist to control the monster. Since Anti-Venom has the power to cure all mutations, he effectively depowers the Amazing Spider-Man in an epic battle inside the Alchemax building. Anti-Venom could be the villain that kills Spider-Man in the past, but we don’t know how Spider-Man 2099’s tinker could effect that past and help Amazing Spider-Man avoid his doom, since Beenox wasn’t willing to show us the end of the battle between to two powerhouses."

So now we know how Beenox is playing Anti-Venom out, and them creating a new villain seems like it can work out, hopefully it will. If Beenox is lucky, maybe Marvel will make Walker Sloan into a new comic villain for Spider-Man.


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