
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

Ultimate Fallout #01

July 15, 2011

I've said this once, and I'll say it again, Ultimate Spider-Man is one of my favorite comic series and Ultimate Fallout is an excellent issue to prove that. Ultimate Fallout is a six issue miniseries that follows the aftermath of Death of Spider-Man written by Michael Bendis and penciled by Mark Bagley, both Michael and Marc have been working together since the beginning of Ultimate Spider-Man, and thanks to them both, it got me back into comics since it was first released.

Issue one of Ultimate Fallout was a great comic if you're looking for something that will get you to tear up a bit; it was short but extremely great. Everyone from Parker's household is grieving in their own way as Mary Jane is trying to find out who was responsible for Spider-Man's death, which she believes is Nick Fury. I don't blame her, if it weren't for Nick Fury trying to take back S.H.I.E.L.D. (which he thinks is rightfully his), then Punisher would never have taken the shot at Cap.

The one scene that got the waterworks going was when Aunt May was walking into the church of where Peter's funeral was behind held and a little girl asked her if she was Spider-Man's mommy.

Michael Bendis knows how to do Ultimate Spider-Man and with that, he knows how to do the right emotions for each character within the comic. This is probably one of my favorite comics that's Ultimate Spider-Man related, the Death of Spider-Man was great and it's follow up is starting to show great promise.


  1. spidey said...:

    great post. I search for ultimate fallout example. Lot of talk about it but not much to actually see around the web

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