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Borderlands 2 Details!..Sorta

August 8, 2011

It's been a really slow week but I managed to find some information that gearbox has in store for their upcoming sequel to Borderlands.

Did you love the protagonists from the first game? Well, they're NPCs. I am kinda saddened about this. But the big guy with blue hair is indeed our fist known playable class, the "Gunserker", and is said to be able to wield any weapon in the game. So they are adding a lot more variety to the classes this time.

Salvador the Gunserker

A new element called Eridium (named after the alien species from Borderlands), can be used to upgrade your weapons, vehicles, and is also used as currency.

Enemy AI will be more intelligent and varied this time around.

And probably the biggest change is they're scrapping the old weapons from the first Borderlands and making a whole new system to make your weapons more effective from the get go.

I'll update this page as soon as I get the new game informer and hopefully add some new images


  1. I really like the sound of "can wield any weapon". It makes me think that not all the classes will be able to use all the weapons, which was one of my biggest gripes with the original. Ignoring the skill trees, there was no reason any particular character couldn't use any gun effectively. Hell, there were even builds where you could get Modecai's melee damage to almost Brick levels. I'm excited to see the new weapons system, and I really want to play this game!

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