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Buying Rage New Will Give You A 100% Game

August 12, 2011

Game devlopers these days are adding sneaky little things in their game in order to persuade players to buy their games new instead of buying them used from a second hand store. Rage is next in line, Bethesda and id will be doing something a bit similar.

If you're roaming around the map and you see hatches in your surroundings, you'll be wondering how you're possibly suppose to open them up. Supposedly a code that comes with new copies of the game will let you unlock those hatches and give you a full Rage experience. It's not really known what is in those hatches though.

id's creative director, Tim Willits has this to say about the codes and the hatches:

"If you bought the game new, [those hatches] would be open for you. You still have to download it, but you don't have to pay for it. Those hatches are all over. Most people never find them. But as soon as you do, you're like, oh. And then you start to look for it. That's our first-time buyer incentive.

"But as you can tell, most people never even see it. I can tell you, some people will buy Rage, download that, and still never set foot in those things. They just won't. I think that's fair. It's cool. It's outside the main path. We're not detracting from anything. But I know some consumers, when you can't avoid it, then you get a little touchy subject."

I don't buy my games used, I always try to get them new, so I'm not really affected by this. Players who don't have enough money to buy the game new and just has enough for a used copy might think differently though.I'm on the border line between this, I won't be affected so I don't mind, but there are people who really can't get the game new so that's pretty unfair. But I am leaning more on the "that's not really fair" side, because it really isn't. Developers these days are always trying to intertwine some sneaky little thing in their games to make money, I understand that, companies are out there for the money. But whatever happened to caring about your customers? I honestly am not liking the way gaming developers are doing things these days.


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