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Sony Announces Assassin's Creed, Escape Plan and Resistance: Burning Skies For The PS Vita

August 16, 2011

It looks like the first day for Gamescom is going good for those who plan to get Sony's PS Vita. So far they have announced a few games along with the Trophy Application.

Jim Ryan, Sony Europe's new CEO, has announced a new Assassin's Creed title for the PS Vita; nothing was given except that. Ryan also stated that this new Assassin's Creed is just one of six games Ubisoft is in the process of developing for the PS Vita. After that announcement, a projection turned on revealing other games that are coming for the PS Vita, whth Bioshock, Rayman Origins, Call of Duty, Dust and more.

Another game for the PS Vita was also announced during Sony's press conference - Escape Plan. Escape Plan is a monotone platformer that looks pretty depressing. The game features two weird looking characters, Lil and Large. Lil is the tiny character as Large is the bigger one. What you have to do is make your way across various traps and try to escape by any means. The game looks pretty interesting and makes use of the PSVita's front and back touch panels. The game looks pretty interesting, it has caught my attention, I'll report back to you guys once I find out more about this game. Until then, enjoy the trailer for Escape Plan.

One last game has been announced so far for Sony's new handheld, Resistance: Burning Skies. This new installment of Resistance is being developed by Nihilistic Software and is making the game a first-person shooter. The game will put you in the middle of New York City right after the events of Resistance 2. You will play the role of one of NYC's fireman, Tom Riley as you defend yourself against the invading Chimera. Catch the demo of the game right below:

That's enough for the games for now, but it isn't the end of the Vita's news. Sony has announced that the PS Vita will support the Trophy Application. You will be able to show off all your achievements to your friends with shiny virtual trophies.

Hopefully Sony will announce more things for the PS Vita, the sure did get off with a good start today. After seeing all these game announcements, I definitely can't wait to get my hands on a PS Vita.


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