Today I was just simply browsing through the internet and just so happened to stumble upon this little game. Now I have another game on my list of must-haves.
Dungeon Defenders is a four-player co-op tower defense game with hack n' slash gameplay and rich RPG character customization. You and three of your friends on xbox live, PSN or PC can team up to build your defenses then fight enemy forces wave after wave of enemies.
Castle Crashers meets Starcraft?
The game will feature 4 playable and customizable classes.
The Squire, a knight-in-training who specializes in melee combat and builds artillery for defending your castles. He can build harpoon and cannonball turrets, counter-blockades and uses the blood-rage ability to momentarily boost his stats, a great strategy for fighting the front lines. And yes, he's not wearing pants.
This guy tells peace to piss-off. The monk is a master of the spear and spell-casting, and is a great support class to his allies and tower and a deadly force to his enemies. Using his mastery of aura, he can cripple and stun enemy forces and even heal his team mates. Looks like Aang's more bad ass cousin.
Stealth and trickery more your thing? The huntress is the class for you! Mastering in long range weaponry and stealth reconnaissance, she can set up a trap right in front of you without you seeing her, then get shot by her crossbow from a distance. Gas traps, bottomless pits and a barrage of arrows await her enemies.
Every medieval game needs a wizard class, and that is just what the apprentice is. His knowledge of the arcane can create giant walls and attack towers to turn the tides of the battle. He can spawn a magic blockade and towers that shoot fire, lightning and energy to distract enemies and use magic to attack from a safe distance.
This new developer diary gives us an in-depth look at the amazing new gameplay and the features Defenders has to offer.
Dungeon Defenders will be available on Xbox Live, Steam, iphone, Android and PC vita on October 19th. A PSN release date has yet to be announced.
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