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Saints Row Murderbrawl!

September 1, 2011

Excited for Saints Row the Third? You should be. IGN released some exclusive new footage of one of the new mission's in the upcoming sandbox game known as Murderbrawl. Check it out.

In this mission you help your new friend Angel de la Muerte (Hulk Hogan) face his once-partner turned archenemy Killbane and let them duke it out in the ring. While they're fighting you keep Killbane's Luchadores from interrupting the brawl by your fists, lamposts and even a stuffed shark.

However, Angel gets knocked out of the ring and is swarmed by Luchadores, meaning you have to kill all those gang-bangers to keep him safe. And the only way to do it is with a chainsaw massacre. (sweetness)

Finally you settle things with Killbane yourself, with some well timed punches and quick-time events you can bring him down. Then you have two choices, Spare him and earn the new apocafist which lets you punch people into a pink mist of blood and guts, oooorr remove his mask and bring him the ultimate shame, reducing Killbane's morale and keeping his prized mask for yourself. Two very pivotal choices for the story but both benefit you. Keep reading for more info!


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