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Mass Effect 3 WILL have multiplayer.

October 10, 2011

This is the most painful post I'll ever have to make, but the "killer new feature" that was to be revealed in next month's issue of Xbox world magazine is indeed a new multiplayer mode. Bioware has confirmed the news.

Why Bioware...why...

While this news is awful, it still will be a separate mode from the campaign and will have a competitive feature.

I don't get it. I just don't get it. Mass Effect was an amazing series as a single player experience. Why are they wasting the time and discs space to have multiplayer? So many games don't need MP, this game didn't need it, Assassins Creed didn't it. Why do developers thinks it's necessary to add this, its going to just ruin the experience for me. Absolutely ruin it. I might even cancel my pre-order, I blame you Bioware for falling onto peer pressure from others. If you took the time to ask, you'll know that 85% - 90% of your fans didn't want multiplayer for ME3. I'm sure EA also had some part in this, everything they touch turns to corporate, soulless schlock.


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