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My Overall Thought On The New 52

October 1, 2011

The New 52 has come and gone and I have only read 28 out of the 52 and I have had a different experience with each one; some were really good and a few were really bad.

At first, I believed that The New 52 would retell stories, origin stories at the most, but that's what we didn't get at all; if you're rebooting series to bring in new stories, you should at least retell the origins of the characters, DC can still probably do that in the next few issues, and hopefully they will. Honestly, DC doesn't really need to explain Batman or Superman. That's just one big irk I have with the reboot, it doesn't go back all they way to the beginning, DC still uses stuff that happened in previous comics. I don't mind using Google to look up the back stories, but I don't want to do that with too many comics.

If I had to pick my top 10 from the twenty eight I have read, it would go like this:

  1. Aquaman
  2. Red Hood and the Outlaws
  3. Batman and Robin
  4. Batman
  5. Nightwing
  6. Deathstroke
  7. Suicide Squad
  8. Batman: The Dark Knight
  9. Blue Beetle
  10. Justice League

    Surprisingly, Aquaman is my favorite by far (read my review on it if you want to know why). I'm going to continue reading most of the ones I have picked up, some I most likely won't continue with, but I will pick up some new ones I haven't read; I've heard All-Star Westerns and Blackhawks were good, so I'll have to give those a read. For those wondering, these are the one's I have read:

    • Action Comics
    • Aquaman
    • Batman
    • Batman: The Dark Knight
    • Batman and Robin
    • Blue Beetle
    • Catwoman
    • Deathstroke
    • Detective Comics
    • Green Arrow
    • Green Lantern
    • Green Lantern: New Guardians
    • Green Lantern Corps
    • Justice League
    • Justice League Dark
    • Justice League International
    • Legion Lost
    • Nightwing
    • O.M.A.C.
    • Red Hood and the Outlaws
    • Red Lanterns
    • Static Shock
    • Suicide Squad
    • Superman
    • Swamp Thing
    • Teen Titans
    • The Flash
    • Wonder Woman

    There are some I haven't read yet, such as Green Lantern: New Guardians, Justice League Dark, Legion Lost and Teen Titans. Like I said though, I do plan on continuing with all of these except for Green Arrow, O.M.A.C., Swamp Thing and possibly Static Shock (I'm going to wait a few more issues to see what I'm going to do with Static Shock). Green Arrow, I couldn't get into, O.M.A.C. is too weird for me and holds nothing interesting, Swamp Thing and Static Shock are in the same boat, I want to like them but I'm having such a hard time with them.

    In the end, I really did enjoy The New 52 and I believed it to be successful. I was a Marvel fan boy at first and now I'm enjoying the DC Universe way more than I initially thought I would, hell, Aquaman is my favorite comic for DC right now, who would've though that would happen. If you really want to jump into the DC Universe, then now is the chance, it's not 100% the best way, but it is the best way for now. Kudos to DC for drawing me in to their comics, I'm going to have a blast with these new comics I'm reading.


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