
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Beta Is A Go

November 30, 2011 0 comments

Starting today, the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive beta is available now. The beta is private, so you are going to need a key if you want to participate. It's not sure on how you can obtain a key, but people might be getting one in their e-mails or from participating websites. Only 10,000 lucky players will be able to get a key and play only on Dust and Dust2, currently 592 players playing on servers. The beta is to test a limited amount of weapons, items and game modes. It also gives Valve the chance to see how well their servers will respond and tests a variety of client hardwa...

Blast Some Call Of Duty Zombies On Your iPod

November 30, 2011 0 comments

Activision has announced that a Call of Duty adaptation will be coming out for 3rd-Generation iOS devices tomorrow. Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies is based off of the somehow popular zombie mode in Call of Duty. The game is being developed by Ideaworks Games Studios. The game itself features Call of Duty: Blacks Ops maps and includes four player co-op. The game will also have an arcade style game that contains 50 levels. Expect to see Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies tomorrow on the iTunes store for $6.99. ...

Goodbye GamePro

November 30, 2011 0 comments

One of the longest running video game magazines will be shutting down. GamePro has been aiding gamers with news and reviews for 22 years, and starting December 5 their magazine and website will be shut down. "Thank you for your loyalty, support, and participation in the community. At noon on December 5, 2011, the U.S. version of GamePro online will shut down as an independent site," reads a statement on GamePro's site. "GamePro will become part of ( offering gaming news, reviews, and how-tos from the PCWorld team. Thank you to the entire GamePro staff for their hard work and dedication....

Scarlet Spider #1 Preview

November 30, 2011 0 comments

After the events of Spider-Island, Kaine is setting off on a journey to prove to himself that he can be a hero instead of a monster. Kaine will be the new Scarlet Spider as he is on the run from what the Spider Queen made him do. The Scarlet Spider #1 Story - Chris Yost Art - Ryan Stegman Colors - Marte Garcia Cover - Ryan Stegman Release Date - January 4, 2...

The Amazing Spider-Man's Lizard Concept Art

November 30, 2011 0 comments

Yesterday PEZ gave us a first look on a plastic version of the Lizard, now today says they have an early concept art of Curt Connors as The Lizard for The Amazing Spider-Man. The PEZ resembles that of The Lizard in the movie, which makes me think that this is actually real and I don't want it to be real. As much as I love Spider-Man, I think this movie is destine to fail as much as the Broadway version of Spider-M...

Capcom Developing A Game Based Off Of Sour Patch Kids

November 30, 2011 0 comments

It has been announced today that Capcom will be making a Sour Patch Kids video game. Yes, Capcom is making a game based off of candy that will feature "World Gone Sour (The Lost Kids)" from Method Man. By why would Capcom make a game based off of delicious candy? “Sour Patch is the #1 all sour candy brand in the U.S. but there is so much more to these iconic characters than just their sour exteriors and sweet interiors,” says Sebastian Genesio, marketing director for Sour Patch. “Bringing our ‘lost kids’ to life in video game form will add a new dimension to these lovable snacks. We feel this video game will resonate strongly with our...

Rumor: The Last Guardian Creator Left Sony

November 30, 2011 0 comments

According to rumors going around, creator of Ico, Shadow of the Colossus and The Last Guardian Fumito Ueda has left Sony but is still working on The Last Guardian. Ueda is working on his latest game for Sony as a freelancer until the game is finished being developed and him leaving is supposedly the reason why The Last Guardian has yet to be finished. After the completion of the game, he plans on working on his own projec...

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Cinematic Teaser

November 30, 2011 0 comments

A sneak peak video has been released of the upcoming Transformers: Fall of Cybertron game that features Starscream, Ironhide, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Cliff Jumper and the ever-so-awesome Grimlock. A full trailer will be released on December 10 on the Spike TV Video Game Awards....

Sony Holds A Special PlayStation Vita Event In San Francisco

November 29, 2011 0 comments

If you cannot wait until February 22 for the release of the PlayStation Vita and are in the San Francisco area, then you are in luck because Sony will be holding a special event. The "Vita Hill Social Club" begins tomorrow and will allow attendees to try out the PS Vita, but to be an attendee you first must RSVP online, then you will be allowed entry. The event will be held on Thursday, December 1st from 5:00 pm until 9:00 pm Pacific Time and will be located at the Vita Hill Social Cl...

3DS Update Pushed Back

November 29, 2011 0 comments

Nintendo's big 3DS update that allows 3D video recording, new Mii pPlaza features and software transfer to another 3DS has been bashed back. The update will be released on December 8 according to Ninten...

Green Lantern: The Animated Series #0 Preview

November 29, 2011 0 comments

Based off the new Cartoon Network series, Green Lantern: The Animated Series follows Hal Jordon on his journeys as a protector of the galaxy. In this issue, Hal and Kilowag have stumbled upon an abandoned Green Lantern ring in the middle of space. ...

Uncanny X-Men #3 Preview

November 29, 2011 0 comments

The X-Men have split up and new teams have formed within Cyclop's regime of mutants. Cyclops is already facing a great threat in the third issue of Uncanny X-Men: Mr. Sinister and Celestials. Thing are going to get heated between Cyclop and his mutants with an armless Emma Frost as he goes against Mr. Siniser and Celestials. ...

PEZ Shows Us The Lizard's Basic Look

November 29, 2011 0 comments

Thanks to PEZ, we might have a first look on what Curt Connors looks like in his reptilian form as the Lizard in The Amazing Spider-Man. A picture of The Amazing Spider-Man's PEZ adaptation has been found and luckily the PEZ representation of the Lizard won't look anything like the movie form, but if it does, then my expectations for the movies has gone lower than it originally was...which is still l...

Comic List - 11/30/11

November 29, 2011 0 comments

Batman Odyssey Vol. 2 #2 (of 7) Cartoon Network Action Pack #54 DC Comics Presents batman Don't Blink #1 DC Comics Presents Superman Secret Identity #2 DC Universe Online Legends #18 Fables #111 Legion Secret Origin #2 (of 6) Spaceman #2 (of 9) Thunder Agents Vol. 2 #1 (of 6) Tiny Titans #46 Uncharted #1 (of 6)  Avengelyne #5 Bomb Queen VII Queens World #1 (of 4) Breed III #7 (of 7) Chew #22 Darkness #95 Green Wake #7 Hack Slash #10 Hack Slash Annual 2011 Hatchet Slash Haunt #19 Infinite Horizon #6 (of 6) Marksmen #5 (of 6) Near Death #3 Pilot Season Theory of Everything #1 Savage Dragon #176 Skullkickers #12 Super Dinosaur #6 Walking...

Wear Ezios Revelation Robes in Final Fantasy XIII-2

November 29, 2011 0 comments

Ubisoft and Square Enix are teaming up again to give you extra goodies for the upcoming Final Fantasy XIII-2, man that is a long title. Anyway, when the game comes out you can download Ezio's master assassin wardrobe that can be worn by Noel Kriess. It'll be available on both Xbox Live and Playstation Network. No price has been listed and no screenshots of the robes in game, but we are given some concept art of its Final Fantasy appearance.The Assassins Creed series has been making loads of cameos since its debut, from Altair's robes in Metal Gear 4, to Ezio appearing in next years Soul Calibur 5. Could Ezio be making another cameo in Sony's...

New Mario Kart 7 ad uses real Karts

November 28, 2011 0 comments

Nintendo recently revealed life sized, working versions of the in-game Karts of their newest title Mario Kart 7 that were shown at the LA Auto Show. Now those cars were put to use in the new television ad for the game. Enjoy!Mario Kart 7 will be out on December 4...

Call of Duty: Elite Trailer

November 28, 2011 0 comments

In celebration of Call of Duty: Elite being fully functional sometime this week, Activision has released a trailer showing off the function of their social service and what you could win when you compete with other players. Call of Duty: Elite should be fully functional by December 1st with an iOS and an Android version on the way as well...

Skyrim's First Patch Update

November 28, 2011 0 comments

Bethesda will be releasing their first patch for Skyrim that includes tons of fixes for that game that prevents players from doing certain glitches. PlayStation 3 owners in Europe should be able to download the patch now while U.S. PlayStation 3 owners have to wait a little bit longer. PC and Xbox 360 users will have to wait until November 30 to update their game. When everyone is able to get Patch V1.2, the following changes will take place: Improved occasional performance issues resulting from long term play (PlayStation 3) Fixed issue where textures would not properly upgrade when installed to drive (Xbox 360) Fixed crash on startup when...

SkyWard Sword And Super Mario 3D Are Bringing In The Money

November 28, 2011 0 comments

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has been giving us some great news about Nintendo recently.Super Mario 3D Land has sold more then 500,000 units since it's launch on Nov 13. Skyward Sword, has also been the fastest selling Zelda title, beating Mario with over 535,000 copies, since it's launch in the United States. Kudos to you Ninten...

Nintendo Is On Top Of The Market For Black Friday

November 28, 2011 0 comments

Recently Nintendo has been having some trouble selling their consoles, especially the 3DS, and it hit them hard. Maybe some heads can stop hanging down low, because thanks to Black Friday's craziness, sales have gone up up up! On the first day of Black Friday, Nintendo sold over 500,000 Wii consoles! The Wii may be on to their last few main title releases because of the WII U, but the fans don't seem to ca...

Nintendo Releasing Two New 3DS Bundles

November 28, 2011 0 comments

Nintendo sure loves throwing out bundles for their handheld games, because they just announced that they will have two different 3DS bundles. One of the bundles comes with a pink 3DS along with Nintendogs + Cats: Toy Poodle and New Friends, the other bundle will also come with a pink 3DS but come with Nintendos + Cats: French Bulldog and New Friends. Both of the bundles will be released December 4 at $169.99, a perfect time for the Holidays...

New Pictures For The Dark Knight Rises

November 28, 2011 0 comments

It has been awhile since photos have been released for The Dark Knight Rises, but thanks to Empire Magazine's latest issue, we now have a handful of images from the movie. The new pictures centralize around Tom Hardy as Bane; one picture has him holding up a picture of Harvey Dent, so what could Bane be planning besides going into politicians? The Dark Knight Rises will be released next year on July 20. ...

Mighty Thor #9 Preview

November 28, 2011 0 comments

The Mighty Tanarus is now the new God of Thunder as no one remembers Thor at all, bu tLoki knows something is not right and he sets off to unmask this copy. But Tanarus isn't the only focal point: Thor is dead and fighting to get out of wherever he is and the All-Mothers have returned to rule Asgard on Midgard as Odin leaves. ...

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