
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

Joss Whedon To Co-Write S.H.I.E.L.D. On ABC

August 30, 2012 0 comments

Joss Whedon won't just be directing The Avengers 2, he will also be working a new show for ABC based off of the secret law enforcement agency - S.H.I.E.L.D. Whedon will be working with his brother, Jed Whedon, and Maurissa Tancharoen as a co-writter, to bring S.H.I.E.L.D. to television. Both Jed and Tanchaeroen have worked with Joss before on his show Dollhouse on Fox. There is no news when S.H.I.E.L.D. will air or who will be appearing in the movie, but there is a good chance that Samuel L. Jackson will be in ...

Metal Gear Solid Announced To Be In Theatres

August 30, 2012 0 comments

For the past few years there were rumors of Metal Gear Solid hitting the big screen, but now today it has been officially announced that there will indeed be a Metal Gear Solid movie. During the Metal Gear Anniversary that was held in Tokyo, Konami showed off a banner that said "Metal Gear Solid Hollywood Movie" with Columbia Pictures logo, which means Columbia Pictures and Konami will be working together in order to bring fans what they have been wanting for quit some time. Hideo Kojima, during the event, announced that Avi Arad (Spider-Man, Iron Man) will be the man directing the Metal Gear Solid film. Kojima brough Arad onto stage where...

New Super Smash Bros. To Have New Character

August 26, 2012 0 comments

Earlier this week at a developers conference in Japan, Masahiro Sakurai, Super Smash Bros. creator, confirmed that new characters will be new characters in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. game. Originally saying that there was a good chance that there would not be new characters, Sakurai is now saying that "it’s fun making new skills for new characters.” It is not sure how many new characters will be released, but old characters will also have new fighting skil...

Pokémon Black and White 2 Breeding System Changes

August 26, 2012 1 comments

It seems like the breeding mechanics for Pokémon Black and White 2 have changed from the normal breeding. The new system now allows you to easily give your Pokémon a nature that will normally take you quite some time to get. Each Pokémon has a single pre-designated ability There’s no way of changing what this is Some Pokémon are capable of having one of two pre-designated abilities The ability is chosen at random when you encounter the Pokémon in the wild During breeding, the baby Pokémon’s ability is now dependent on its mother If the mother is a dual-ability type, the baby has an 80% chance of inheriting that ability This gives the...

3DS XL On Sale At Frys

August 19, 2012 0 comments

Now is the time to get your hands on a 3DS XL as Frys is having a sale on them for $20 cheaper than its original price. At other places, the 3DS XL will cost you $199.99, but at Frys it is $179.99. It isn't a big difference but it is still a good enough deal for those who are tight on money. Frys has made sure that not one person can horde so many of the handhelds as there is a 1 per household lim...

Star Beast The Stellar War Leaked Concept Art

August 19, 2012 0 comments

 Some concept art appeared online for Pixel Entertainment's 2.5d shoot-em up game, Star Beast. The game is still being developed for Wii u eShop, Pc, and mobile devices. In the pictures you can see character designs for possibly what seems to be one of the beasts, a possible playable character, ship designs, and logo design...

New Animal Crossing 3ds Info

August 18, 2012 7 comments

Another long awaited, and much needed, Animal Crossing 3ds info came out today. Showing us some new details about the game, and some old news as well. New character(s) The infamous new dear character. Look at a new store.. Exterior design store, showcasing door models and mailbox models. Another reminder of the new house customizing options. A sloth helping the player with some gardening purchases. Not too much is known about the game, but the game has been long awaited and Animal Crossing fans are getting pretty antsy. Winter couldn't come soone...

The Wolverine Not Connected To X-men Origins

August 13, 2012 0 comments

Critics and fans see X-Men Origins: Wolverine as a joke and do not take it seriously. That is why the new and upcoming Wolverine movie will not mention nor will it have any connection to X-Men Origins. The news comes from Hugh Jackman himself during and interview with Total Film. “We’ve deliberately not called it Wolverine 2 because we want it to be placed and feel like a standalone picture,”says Jackman. “With an all-new cast and setting it in Japan, it’s going to give us a whole new visual aesthetic.” Jackman continues to say that The Wolverine will focus completely on Wolverine and will not have a big cast of other mutants. The Wolverine...

Day One Of Mann vs. Machine Update

August 13, 2012 0 comments

The Mann vs Machine Update is finally heading its way to Team Fortress 2 with multiple updates and new information released everyday. Day One for the Mann vs Machine Update includes a new trailer in which Blu and Red will be working together to take down a common enemy - the Machines. Along with the trailer is a new TF2 mode for players to enjoy, a co-op mode. The new co-op mode will allow you and five friends to stand against hordes of robots. The robots you will be going against will also be sporting different weapons, for example, the Bowman is a Sniper robot with Huntsman and a Minor League Scout is a Scout with Sandman. But those are...

Get Your Gold Nunchuk From Club Nintendo

August 10, 2012 0 comments

If you are in need of a golden Nunchuk to go with your special gold Wiimote from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Special Edition, then Nintendo is finally throwing you a bone. Today Nintendo has announced that they will be releasing a gold Nunchuk for Club Nintendo members. You will have to save all your coins for this nifty prize as it will cost you 9000 coins. If you have the 9000 coins then do it now as this gold Nunchuk is limit...

Leviathan Will Change Mass Effect 3's Ending (Hinting at new DLC)

August 9, 2012 0 comments

If you weren't satisfied with Extended Cut ending, then maybe getting the new single-player expansion Leviathan will tickle your fancy. Bioware has confirmed that the DLC will have an impact on the games ending. It is not clear how much and how big this change will be but they're most likely keeping it under wraps for us to figure out. Leviathan is scheduled to be released later this summer, most possibly by the end of August or the beginning of September. If you've played Mass Effect 2 then I'm sure you remember Aria, the self-proclaimed ruler of Omega. In ME3 she has become stranded on the Citadel after having Omega taken away from her...

Super Smash Bros. Game System Complete

August 9, 2012 0 comments

Today, the producer of the newest and unreleased Super Smash Bros., Masahiro Sakurai, has given some new information about the game, such as the that the game system for the game is finished. “The game system itself is complete, so we don’t want to make it 3D or introduce complicated controls just for the sake of it," says Sakurai However. "I am thinking of ways we can introduce a slightly different, fun experience all the while keeping the usual frantic game play.” Sakurai also hints at the possibility that there will be a short list or no list of non-Nintendo characters in the new Super Smash Bros. "I think Snake and Sonic joining were...

Pokemon Black2/White2 English Promo Trailer

August 9, 2012 0 comments

Just an hour ago, the English version of the very popular promo for Black 2 and White 2 hit public. Snazzy as alwa...

$15 For Skyward Sword? Yes please!

August 5, 2012 0 comments

If you get your hands on a free Best Buy Reward Zone card, you can get The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword for the awesome price of $14.99!!! The offer is only avaiable if you purchase it at your local store. This is a great deal since most people buy their video games at stores such as Game Stop, and Game Stop's Skyward Sword runs from $40-$50, even if used. Jump on it fol...

Hideki Kamiya Thoughts on Play Station All-Stars Battle Royale

August 5, 2012 0 comments

Laying down the l...

Newest TF2 Update Celebrates the Year of The Dog

August 2, 2012 0 comments

Today Valve released a Content Update for Team Fortress 2 known as the Triad Pack that gives players new weapons, hats and misc. items as well as announcing a new King of The Hill map that will be released in the near future. Weapons Red Tape Recorder (Spy) -  A new type of sapper that instead of destroying buildings, will reverse the building's cycle until it reverts back into a toolbox that can be picked up as ammo. Engies can destroy the sappers but will have to rebuild it where it was sapped. Flying Guillotine (Scout) - A new secondary for scout, this throwable hatchet will cause enemies to take bleed damage for a few seconds....

New Assassins Creed Trailer Shows off the Games new Engine

August 2, 2012 0 comments

Assassins Creed III looks absolutely stunning. What also makes it stand out from it's predecessors is that the game will have dynamic weather changes that will affect how Connor move throughout the environment and can either help or hinder him. And Ubisoft wanted to showcase and talk about their brand new game engine known as Anvilnext. The trailer also reveals that Connor will not only be killing Redcoats, but American revolutionaries as well. Our new protagonist shows that he doesn't care if You're British or American, he's only out for you if you're a Templ...

Mass Effect 3 getting SIngle Player DLC (And Wii U News)

August 2, 2012 0 comments

If you've been tired of all the new Multiplayer DLC for Mass Effect then you'll be happy to know that the rumored DLC titled Leviathan is completely true. The story of "Leviathan" takes place during the events of Mass Effect 3, Commander Shepard investigates the origin of the Reapers creation as well as finding Leviathan, a supposed rouge Reaper that has indoctrinated a small mining company. The DLC pack will also let players unlock the raider shotgun (previously exclusive to origin) and the Argus assault rifle (Gamestop Pre-Order). The pack is expected to be released later this summer for 10 dollars on PSN and Origin and 800 MS points...

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