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Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark Producers Sues Ex Director Julie Taymor

January 18, 2012

Back in March  Julie Taymor was fired by the producers of Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark due to violations in her contract and wouldn't receive any royalties . After being replaced by Philip William McKinley (The Boy From Oz), Taymor turned around and sued the producers back in November by saying that the music violates her copyrights. She is also demanding for full credit and pay and is seeking out at least $1 million along with royalties.

Now The New York Times is reporting that the producers are counter-suing Taymor by claiming that she breached her contract when she “could not and would not do the jobs that she was contracted to do,” which forced other crew members to take on those said jobs.

But that's not the only complaint that the producers have about Taymor.

“Taymor refused to develop a musical that followed the original, family-friendly ‘Spider-Man’ story, which was depicted in the Marvel comic books and the hugely successful motion picture trilogy based on them,” lawyers for Michael Cohl and Jeremiah J. Harris, the lead producers, wrote in the filing.

“Instead, Taymor, who admits that she was not a fan of the ‘Spider-Man’ story prior to her involvement with the musical, insisted on developing a dark, disjointed and hallucinogenic musical involving suicide, sex and death,” the lawyers continued, referring to Ms. Taymor’s creation of the villain character Arachne. 

Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark was shut down for three weeks after Taymor being fired in order to get things ready for McKinley. The musical eventually cost $1.2 million a week to made and has made $81 million since it's public release in November 2010.


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