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The Avengers Gets A Second Post Credit "Scene" (Spoilers Alert)

May 2, 2012

Even though we here in North America have yet to see The Avengers in theatres, besides those who went to special screenings, a new scene will be added after the credits along with the one featuring...well I won't spoil it for anyone, but there will be two scenes for us to enjoy even though Kevin Feige doesn't consider it a scene.

“I will tell you this: It was not a scene. It was not a scene,” Feige insisted at the movie’s European premiere. “There’s little things. It’s been blown out of proportion. Which is fun, I like that things are blown out of proportion. Sometimes they’re true sometimes they’re not.”

The "scene" ties in with a joke made by Tony Stark and has The Avengers sitting around a table having a meal of shawarma.


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