
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

Thor Clip

March 31, 2011 0 comments

Marvel has given us a 53 second clip of Thor when he hits Midgard. This gets me more pumped up for the movie, just 36 more days...

Booster Gold and Blue Beetle in Smallville

March 31, 2011 0 comments

I just found out that Booster Gold and Blue Beetle (looks like Jaime Reyes) will be appearing in an upcoming Smallville episode. I have never really watched Smallville, besides about 3-5 episodes, and they were really bad in my opinion (especially the Justice League episode). So I don't know if they will butcher the dynamic duo or what, considering the episodes I've watched seemed to be poorly written. I might tune in to this episode though on April 22nd. The costumes though, could've been done way better. I don't know if it's just the picture of what, but Jaime's suit looks pretty clunky. Booster Gold's costume looks like it could be slightly...

Spider-Man: Edge of Time

March 31, 2011 0 comments

This fall Beenox, the developers of Shattered Dimensions, and Activision are bringing back Spider-Man in their newest installment. Spider-Man 2099 is also involved in this story. And by the name of the title, we can conclude that Edge of Time will focus on time traveling. Beenox states that they "Want to create a totally distinct experience in Spider-Man: Edge of Time." So it looks like they are going to spice things up a bit, and hopefully it will be good and not bad. Either way, I can't wait to get my hands on it. Shattered Dimensions was excellent, and I have high expectations for Edge of Time n...

New Wonder Woman Costume Thanks To Fans

March 30, 2011 0 comments

NBC has decided to change Wonder Woman's costume in their upcoming Wonder Woman t.v. show. At first, I had no problem with her costume, but I am really enjoying this new get up. It looks like they got rid of the "cheesy" looking pants Android upgraded them to something non Party City looking. Kudos to both NBC and DC for listening to their fans. Before: After: ...

Mass Effect 2 Arrival DLC

March 29, 2011 0 comments

It looks like the latest DLC for Mass Effect 2 has come out today. I haven't gotten the latest couple DLCs for Mass Effect 2, I feel bad for not doing so. I've been wanting to replay the whole series again lately, so I might do so. Plus, it will give me an excuse to buy the DLC. But anyways, BioWare has been pretty generous giving us DLC for Mass Effect 2 since it's release, and this will be their last one. After that, then Mass Effect 3 comes down on us....

Telltale's Jurrasic Park

March 29, 2011 0 comments

Today, we got a Developer Diary from Telltale Games on the upcoming Jurassic Park game. I will say that I am getting more excited for this game. Jurassic Park will be a survival game more than shooter, and I'm completely fine with this. Telltale Games seems to be doing extremely well on this game and looks like they've been accurate to the movie (except for the characters that is). I can't wait to get my hands on this. And here's a trailer just in case any of you missed it...

Batman Reboot

March 29, 2011 0 comments

Warner Brothers has announced that there will be a reboot for Batman movies after The Dark Knight Rises. Apparently, Warner Brothers reboot will lead in to a Justice League movie, meaning there will be more DC movies coming their way in the near future. This will be the third reboot for the Batman movie franchise, three too many in my opinion. They should have thought of this sooner. But I am interested in which way they will portray Batman. Will they try and go the way Nolan's Batman has gone or will it be completely differe...

Avengers: EArth's Mightiest Heroes

March 26, 2011 1 comments

C2E2 has announced the return of Disney XD's Earth's Mightiest Heroes for a season 2. The show will return with 7 all new episodes in May after Thor hits theaters. The episodes are as followed: 20 "The Casket of Ancient Winters" On the hottest day of the year, an ancient artifact is found... then a cold wind blows. An ancient relic called the Casket of Ancient Winters has been opened, and the entire planet goes into a deep freeze! Introducing characters: Malekith the Accursed 21 "Hail, Hydra!" HYDRA and AIM are waging war against one another, and only one person knows why... the Black Widow. She knows that AIM had created the ultimate...

Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Official Trailer

March 23, 2011 2 comments

After it's announcement about 7 months ago, Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One gets an official trailer. What's different about this Ratchet and Clank than it's other ones is that you're not limited to play as Ratchet and/or Clank, but you also get to play as Dr. Nefarious and Qwark...

Captain America Trailer

March 23, 2011 2 comments

A trailer for the upcoming Captain America movie has hit today. This movie is coming along quit nicely. From what we've seen, everything has been caught pretty nicely...

Valve Wanting iOS

March 22, 2011 0 comments

So I just found out that Valve is wanting to expand their gaming into the iOS. But no one knows what it is for sure, for all we know it could just be an improved version of the Steam app already on the iPod or sometime of syncing thing with your games. And hopefully this won't be limited to just the iOS and will go as far as Android also. Lot of companies are jumping onto the mobile gaming for the iOS and Android, I kinda wish that they could do things like that on the PSP or another hand held game device. For more info, visit here:

Ultimate Spider-Man Promo Reel

March 21, 2011 1 comments

A promo reel has been leaked during C2E2 for Ultimate Spider-Man the animated series. One thing I'm stoked for is the return of J. K. Simmons as J.J.J. Expect a release for this in expected Summer 2012...

Shuma-Gorath and Jill Trailers

March 8, 2011 0 comments

8 days before their release, we finally got trailers for Shuma-Gorath and Jill Valentine in Marvel vs Capcom 3. I probably won't put any of them in my team, but I'll be messing around with Shuma. ...

Avatar: Legend of Korra

March 7, 2011 0 comments

I just stumbled upon this video that shows us what we know of the new Avatar show - Avatar: Legend of Korra. Along with the video I found a picture of Korra a couple days ago. And notice her dual bending, it gets me excited....

Thor Banner, Red Skull, No DKC: Returns 2 and Counter-Strike 2

March 7, 2011 0 comments

Once again I haven't been updating my blog in an orderly fashion due to personal reasons. But I bring you some of the top news from the past few days. We got some posters for the new upcoming Thor movie, I personally am not a big fan of the whole red Thor has going on. But I do like the banner that was revealed along with the poster. A picture of Marvel's other movie - Captain America - surfaced also with Hugo Weaver all dolled up as the Red Skull. I am absolutely loving how the did the Red Skull, I was expecting something cheesy. In the world of gaming, there have been no plans on doing a sequel for one of the hardest Donkey Kong games....

Ultimate Spider-Man Cartoon

March 5, 2011 0 comments

As I was stumbling on the internet, I found out that there will be a new Spider-Man cartoon this year based off of the Ultimate Universe. The poster for it made me put on a new pair of pants. You can see foreshadowing of some characters that will be involved in the cartoon, such as; Iron Fist, Nova (with his costume), Green Goblin, ect. I just can't figure out who the guy on the bottom right is. Some of the cast has been announced already. Josh Keaton returns to a new Spider-Man cartoon, but not as Spidey/Parker, instead he plays Eddie Brock. And Phineas from Phineas and Ferb will play Spider-Man/Parker, we'll see how this go...

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Trailer

March 2, 2011 0 comments

New trailer for Legend of Zelda: Skyward sword came out today. Looks like a combination of Twilight Princess and the old LoZ games. A bit of a different look, but looks very nice...

Dead Space: Severed

March 1, 2011 0 comments

Along with MvC3 DLC, Dead Space 2 gets it's own DLC today also. The new content gives console users two new chapters where you can play as Gabe from Dead Space: Extraction. Gabe has different armor than Isaac and places where Isaac hasn't explored on the Sprawl. You can buy it on the PSN for $6.99 or 560 Microsoft Points on the 360. And for us PC users, no news if or when we're getting this, but I'm hoping we will get it since we recently got the first DLC...

MvC3 DLC Hits Today

March 1, 2011 0 comments

Today is the release of Shadow Mode and new costumes for MvC3 today, so make sure you start up your PS3/360 and go get them. Shadow Mode: The first Shadow Mode pack will include teams and AI from three Capcom staff members, including producer Ryota Niitsuma, associate producer Akihito Kadowaki, and a QA tester. It's free Costumes: New costume for Ryu, Iron Man, Captain America, Dante, Chris, and Thor (Including Iron Patriot [Which is actually Osborn] and S.H.I.E.L.D. Steve Rogers). Only 440 Microsoft Points of $5 Right after I finish up this bowl of cereal, I'm starting up my PS3 and getting th...

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