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Official Trailers For Doctor Strange And Nemesis!

August 16, 2011

So today we got three new trailers for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. The first of which goes over the cast again, and shows off some of the new moves added to the old cast members. Wolverine's new mash move, Morrigan's fireball that steals super meter, Chun-Li's EX Spinning Bird Kick is back, She Hulk's new projectile, Hulk getting the ability to charge his normals (or at least thats what it looks like) and C.Viper having Optic Blast. It also shows a little bit of the two newly (officially) announced characters, Doctor Strange and Nemesis.

Next up we have Doctor Strange's trailer. From the looks of it he is going to be the second most complex zoning character in the game, second only to M.O.D.O.K. He seems to have two different kinds of teleports, one normal and one that works like a counter, he has satellites much like Mu-12 from BlazBlue. His two level one hypers are a pillar that I imagine works a lot like Dormammu's normal one, and a beam hyper that has a decent amount of start-up invincibility. His level three hyper is just cool looking.

And then we have Nemesis, probably the most iconic Resident Evil villain. As expected, he looks like a heavy-hitting bruiser. What I didn't expect is for them to incorporate his tentacles into gameplay. He may even play like Omega Red used to if things are done correctly. His two level one hypers are fairly straight forward. One of which being a total beat-down of hay-makers that has a bit of super armor at the beginning. The second of which has him firing his rocket launcher multiple times at the opponent, and it even OTGs! His level three hyper appears to be a grab, its hard to tell, but it looks siiiiiiiiick.


  1. Androo said...:

    Ah yeah! Dr. Strange! His voice is nothing I've ever imagined though, but I'm still loving it.

  1. Honestly, Dr. Strange looks really cool, but I don't know if I'll be playing him. He doesn't look like he'd hold my interest enough. Probably gonna run Nemesis with Chris though for points in badass.

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