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Lionsgate Ready To Start Dead Island Movie

September 27, 2011

It's no doubt that the first Dead Island trailer got major hype since it's release, that's pretty much why Lionsgate has decided to purchase the rights for a Dead Island movie based on the trailer.

Deep Silver has expressed many times how much they would enjoy a Dead Island movie and how on board they would be with it, they were finally able to get their wish thanks to Lionsgate making it official today. Producer Sean Daniel (The Mummy, Mall Rats, and Pootie Tang) will be overseeing the project, no other cast workers have been announced though.

The official press release states:

"Dead Island is a global brand first introduced through a teaser trailer that told the story of a family on vacation at a tropical resort who is besieged by zombies. Told in a stark, non-linear fashion, the wrenching trailer captured worldwide fan attention and unanimous critical praise upon its debut, receiving over 1 million hits in its first 24 hours online, and nearly 10 million views by two days after its debut. The trailer went on to win the Golden Lion in Cannes at the International Festival of Creativity, the advertising industry’s highest honor, and it was featured by Adweek on their annual list of the World’s Best Commercials."

This would be the first movie ever to be based off of a video game trailer, and hopefully that's the route the will be going. I don't want to see a Dead Island movie, I want to see a Dead Island trailer movie.


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