
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

Doom 3 BFG Edition Announced

May 31, 2012 0 comments

Bethesda Studios and id Sofware are updating Doom 3 for a more scarier experience for Doom fans this year. Later this year Doom 3 BFG Edition will be out and will be completely remastered with updated graphics, that supports 3D, and 5.1 surround sound. New features also include touched up controls and the Resurrection of Evil expansion pack that includes "The Lost Mission" which is seven new missions for players to enjoy. Doom 3 BFG Edition will be out on the PlayStation 3, PC and Xbox 360 sometime this year. [Discuss this on the forum...

Aliens: Colonial Marines Collector's Edition Announced

May 31, 2012 0 comments

Earlier this year an image was leaked for Sega's Aliens: Colonial Marines showing off the Collector's Edition of the game. Today Sega has finally confirmed that there will indeed be a Collector's Edition and it will be the one that was leaked. The Collector's Edition (pictured above) will include: High quality resin Powerloader figurine in limited edition Xeno Hive box Four playable movie characters Additional Marines character customization options Ripley's Flamethrower Exclusive Sonic Electronic Ball Breakers and Phase Plasma Rifle Multiplayer Weapons Exclusive USCM Academy Firing Range level USCM Dossier There is no price for this...

Astonoshing X-Men #51 Preview

May 31, 2012 0 comments

Story - Marjorie Liu Art - Mike Perkins Cover - Dustin Weaver, Marko Djurdjevic, Phil Noto Release Date - June 20, 2012 The wedding bells are ringing for both Northstar and his boyfriend Kyle in Astonishing X-Men #51 with creative team Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins behind the wheel of this wedding. If you plan on picking up this issue, then make sure you grab the Create Your Own Wedding variant to get your favorite artist to draw something in for you. ...

Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron Pre-Order Skins

May 31, 2012 0 comments

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron is going back to the old days for it's pre-order bonus content. Pre-ordering the game from GameStop will grant you the Retro Pack, which include a G1 Optimus Prime skin, a G1 Megatron Gun and Shockwave cannon that is only available in campaign mode. Pre-ordering the game from Amazon will grant you a the G2 Bruticus skin. Transformers: Fall of Cybertron is expected to be out for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on August 28. ...

Injustice: Gods Among Us Announced

May 31, 2012 0 comments

Today Warner Bros. Studios has announced that they will be working with Mortal Kombat developers NetherRealm Studios in order to bring a new game to the table - Injustice: Gods Among Us. Injustice: Gods Among Us is a fighting game that will allow you to play as an assortment of heroes and villains from the DC Universe. Warner Bros. is stating that it will be "unlike any other in the fighting genre" that will feature a deep story. You can expect to see this game released sometime in 2013 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii U. [Discuss this on the forum...

Next Months GameInformer to Reveal the Next Gears of War

May 31, 2012 0 comments

Even though Gears of War 3 concluded the story of Marcus Fenix, Epic isn't going to toss their star franchise out so easily. In fact, they're already working on a new Gears title already. Nothing has been said yet, but GameInformer will be the first to have the details on the next installment as next months featured article. The shadowed man is Indeed Marcus Fenix and if you look at the outside scene you can see Reavers meaning this game will most likely take place before the events of Gears of War. During the beginning of the locust war, Maruc disobeyed orders to save his father which cost them a major battle. For his betrayal Fenix was...

New Skyrim: Dawnguard Trailer Reveals the Story

May 31, 2012 0 comments

Last Month Bethesda announced Skyrim's new DLC pack Dawnguard but that was all. Now the developer has released a new trailer that shows the setting of the new expansion. The story of the pack pits two factions against eachother. One is a group of supernatual creature that seem almost daedra (possiby vampires or the mysterious snow elves) and the group that calls themselves the Dawnguard. And it looks like your character has the choice to join either one of the two. Here is the official trailer. Did I forget to mention there are crossbows? Sadly nothing else has been revealed for the expansion like a release date or price setting. Dawnguard...

Alan Scott To Be DC's New Gay Character?

May 30, 2012 0 comments

Last week DC announced that a current heterosexual hero would be written as a homosexual. Well it is now being reported that the original Green Lantern, Alan Scott, will be the gay character. It is not exactly confirmed, but Bleeding Cool has had two sources telling them that Alan Scott is the character that is making the transition. Article author Rich Johnston, for Bleeding Cool, states that a stronger source confirmed to him that Alan Scott is the gay character to be introduced. Alan Scott has made an appearance in Earth 2 #1, which was recently launched. Remember though, this has not been officially confirmed; updates will be posted...

Iron Patriot In Iron Man 3

May 30, 2012 0 comments

Earlier this month James Badge Dale joined the Iron Man 3 cast as the movie's main villain, but his role in the movie was unknown. But today the website Superficial has caught glimpses of Dale in his costume...the Iron Patriot costume. James Badge Dale will be playing as the Iron Patriot in Iron Man 3 according to these photos taken by the Superficial in North Carolina. Originally it was thought that Badge would be playing Coldblood considering his character in Iron Man 3 is Eric Savin, but now he will be playing Norman Osborn's alter-ego The Iron Patriot. The Iron Patriot first appeared during the Dark Reign event in which Norman Osborn...

Ubisoft No Longer Being Sued

May 30, 2012 0 comments

Last month Ubisoft was sued by author John Beiswenger claiming that the video game developers took ideas from his book Link. Now Beiswenger is dropping the lawsuit against Ubisoft. In Link, the story is based around a "device and process whereby ancestral memories can be accessed, recalled, relived, and re-experienced by the user." (Just like Assassin's Creed's Animus device.). The similarities don't end there though, the book has assassinations and historical events in which the user experiences due to what the ancestor has been through. It is currently unknown why the author backed down from the lawsuit, but if he wanted to he could...

Ratchet And Clank Full Frontal Assault Announced

May 30, 2012 0 comments

In celebration of Ratchet and Clank's 10th year anniversary, Insomniac Games has announced that a new Ratchet and Clank is heading out onto the PSN this fall. Ratchet and Clank: Full Frontal Assault is supposedly going back to the classic feel the original games had, specifically with the third-person camera. The game will also feature an online experience to enjoy with your friends. [Discuss this on the forum...

Shin Megami Tensei 4 Announced

May 30, 2012 0 comments

Atlus has announced today the next installment for Shin Megami Tensei with it coming out on the 3DS. Shin Megami Tensei 4 was announced in the latest issue of Japanese magazine Famitsu with two images stretched out on to two pages with the words "Shin Megami Tensei IV" written across the images. There is also a website for the game, but it offers little information for the game. No release date has been given for the Shin Megami Tensei 4. ...

Old SOCOM Game Servers Going Offline

May 30, 2012 0 comments

For those dedicated and loyal SOCOM fans, today will be a sad day for you as Sony has announced today that they will be shutting down the servers for all PlayStation 2 and PSP SOCOM games. The announcement of the shut down came from the PlayStation forums yesterday and states that: On August 31, 2012 Sony Computer Entertainment America will be terminating the on-line service for the following PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable ("PSP") software titles: PlayStation 2 system: SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs, SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs, SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs, SOCOM Combined Assault. PSP system:  SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo, SOCOM: Fireteam...

This Horror Game Stars A Two Year Old

May 30, 2012 0 comments

Norwegian game developers Krillbite Studios are taking a different approach to their upcoming horror game. You won't be playing as a fearless character running around with guns or as a teenager walking around ghost towns with weapons. No, instead you are a baby, a two year old baby to be exact. In Among the Sleep, players take control of a two year old with a crazy and horrific imagination in a first person perspective. The only thing we have as for the game looks is the trailer below. Among the Sleep is expected to be out next year on the PC. [Discuss this on the forum...

Loki Won't Be The Main Villain In Thor 2

May 29, 2012 0 comments

A new villain will be making his debut appearance for the Marvel Movie Universe in Thor 2 as Kevin Feige gives us a little insight on the movie, oh and the villain isn't Thanos. “No, future, future,” Feige said of Thanos’ movie involvement. “But there will be a major new villain. A major, major new antagonist.” “We’re going to see the other side of Asgard,” continues Feige. “It’s not all polished and golden in this film. And the events of Avengers will have affected Thor for sure. His relationship with Loki will continue to evolve, and the biggest part is Natalie [Portman], and Thor returning with Jane Foster.” Loki won't be focused...

The Lizard Returns In Spider-Man #686 Variant Cover

May 29, 2012 0 comments

The Lizard is coming back to take on Spider-Man after he has dealt with Doctor Octopus in "Ends of the Earth". The Lizard will be appearing in the next Amazing Spider-Man arc, "No Turnin Back", which will then be followed by what is to be the biggest Amazing Spider-Man arc of all time starting with The Amazing Spider-Man #700. Marvel has released a variant cover, done by J. Scott Campbell, for The Amazing Spider-Man #686, which will start "No Turning Back" and will be released on June 27, 20...

Sony Releasing A New PSP Color For Europe

May 29, 2012 0 comments

Sony will be releasing a new color for the PSP this July, but it will only be available in Europe. The Ice White PSP is expected to be out this July for £89.99 and is a perfect budget PSP for those who don't have the hand held console. The only downside is that this model, the PSP-E1000, does not have wi-fi and only has a mono speak...

New Star Wars Game To Be Shown Off This Month

May 25, 2012 0 comments

Today Lucasfilm has announced that they will be showing off a new Star Wars related game this month on Gametrailers. On Thursday, May 31, Gametrailers will be showing off what the new game is and then on June 4, footage of some gameplay will be shown off. Rumor going around is that the game will be about the one and only Boba Fett. A trademark has been filed by Lucasfilm this month that hints to the game revolving around the bounty hunter. Lucasfilm trademarked "Star Wars 1313" and in the novel Boba Fett: Maze of Deception, Boba Fett has used the alias CT-1313. [Discuss this on the forum...

Ubisoft Announces Assassin's Creed: The Chain

May 25, 2012 0 comments

If you were a fan of the comic book adaptation of Assassins Creed: The Fall, then you'll be happy to hear that Karl Kerschl and Cameron Stewart are returning to make an all new book titled,  The Chain. The book takes place after the events of The Fall series and completes the story of both Daniel Cross and his assassin ancestor, Nikolai Orelov as well as shedding some light on whats to come in Assassin's Creed III. If you have read the first series and maxed out your level in Revelation's multiplayer, you'll have an idea of where the books protagonist currently is right now. I wont spoil anything but if you want to find out, you have...

New Dark Knight Rises TV Spots

May 25, 2012 1 comments

More Dark Knight Rises news is being rolled out today as Warner Bros. has released two T.V. spots for the movie showing off some new footage that we have yet to see. The first commercial is just 30 seconds long and gives us a look at some new footage, most of it we've seen in past trailers. The second commercial is also 30 seconds long but with more Anne Hathaway as Catwoman and more footage we have yet to seen. The Dark Knight Rises will hit theatres across the U.S. on July 20, 2012. [Discuss this on the forum...

DC To Make Turn A Hetrosexual Character Into A Homosexual

May 24, 2012 3 comments

Earlier this week DC Comics has announced that the sexual orientation for an existing character would be making a change. Writer Dan DiDio originally stated that the sexual orientation would not change for any DC characters, but now his stance on that has changed during the Kapow comic convention in London. Who the character is is currently known, but DC will be introducing this unknown character as one of the most prominent gay characters. Didio's was asked why race or age could be changed in the New 52 but not sexual orientation. That is when Didio announced that there will be a gay character who was originally a heterosexual. [Discuss...

The Dark Knight Rises Banner Images

May 24, 2012 0 comments

It seems like The Dark Knight Rises is slowly rolling out news this week with today's newest release being four banners for the movie. The new banners shows off Batman, Bane and Catwoman in their own banner with the fourth banner having Batman and Bane about to go against each other with their own army of cops and rioters. The Dark Knight Rises will hit theatres across the states on July 20, 2012. ...

Mass Effect 3 Rebellion Pack announced

May 24, 2012 0 comments

Hey there gamers, it's certainly been a while since my last post, I've just been super busy with my new job working tireless hours, but I digress. If you didn't get enough with Mass Effect 3's previous multiplayer pack Bioware is releasing a whole new second one with even more characters, weapons and maps The pack has six new character each has their own new ability Vorcha Soldier - Bloodlust Vorcha Sentinel - Flamer Skill Male Quarian Engineer - Arc grenade Male Quarian Infiltrtor - Tactical Scan Ex Cerbeus Adept - Biotic Smash Ex Cerberus Vanguard - Lash Attack Weapons:  Harrier Assault Rifle - A mattock rifle modified by cerberus...

Metal Gear Rising Demo Title Screen

May 24, 2012 0 comments

Today Konami teased Metal Gear Rising by releasing a video for the demo title screen that will be at E3 next month, which will be playable. [Discuss this on the forum...

Full Live Action Metro: Lat Light Trailer

May 24, 2012 0 comments

Earlier today THQ released the full trailer of the live action trailer for Metro: Last Light. The trailer takes place 20 years before the first game, showing everyone rushing to the Metro during the release of nuclear missiles as baby Artjom is given to soldiers for safety. [Discuss this on the forum...

First Look At Michonne From The Walking Dead

May 24, 2012 0 comments

Fans of The Walking Dead are excited for the debut of Michonne during the third season of the show with actress Danai Gurira portraying the sword wielding character. Well today Entertainment Weekly has released a first look of how Michonne will be looking in the show. “The essence of the character — her personality, her motives, everything that makes Michonne Michonne — remains intact from the comics,” says The Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman. “But like a lot of things on the show, there will be little tweaks and differences here and there. We saw that her introduction is slightly different from how it was in the comic, and her interaction...

Astonishing X-Men #51 Wedding Variant

May 23, 2012 0 comments

The wedding bells are ringing this June for Northstar and his soon-to-be husband Kyle and Marvel will be celebrating with a get-a-sketch variant cover for Astonoshing X-Men #51. The cover, drawn by Phil Noto, has other Marvel married couples posing for the camera. One frame is an empty canvas to get a drawing done by your favorite artist. "What we're trying to accomplish has everything to do with telling a love story, and nothing at all to do with politics," says Astonishing X-Men writer Marjorie Liu. "These are two characters who needed their relationship to evolve, and rather than do the usual thing -- like, break them up or add some...

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