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The Amazing Spider-Man Trailer

July 20, 2011

Yesterday there was a leak for the trailer of The Amazing Spider-Man, today it's been officially released and it's really nothing like the description that MoveWeb said they saw. Hope you guys enjoy the trailer, because I really didn't.

Honestly, I don't know what to feel about The Amazing Spider-Man at all; I want it to be good, but at the same time the trailer is doing absolutely nothing to me at all. Peter doesn't seem to be the smart ass, wise joking web-slinger that everyone is familiar with. I'm just hoping that the trailer is just bad itself and that there will be a better one some time soon. The character portrayals aren't doing much for me either; Aunt May reminds me of some crazy hobo chick, Peter looks more hipster-ish than nerdy, and I wouldn't have known that Connors was in here if I didn't know about him previously. The trailer isn't getting me pumped at all for this, and I wish it were, it's making me miss Raimi's version and cast. Hopefully there will be more things soon that will change my mind.


  1. Gotta agree with you. This trailer gets me nowhere near excited for the movie. The guy playing Peter looks like a Spidey, but not like a Peter. At least Emma Stone will give us some eye candy...

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