
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

Fear Itself So Far - Part 2

July 7, 2011

When I left off last time, Captain America (Bucky) got a hole in his chest and an arm ripped right off from Sin/Skadi and Odin finally letting Thor go back to Earth. Since then, Thor finally made it back to Iron Man and Steve Rogers, but Steve isn't wearing his S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform anymore, he's showing off his Captain America uniform as he takes the role of the shield wielding hero. From there the three heads of the Avengers - Captain America, Iron Man and Thor - comes up with a plan; Cap will fight on the front lines, Iron Man will try to contact Odin and Thor will go lay a beating on the now fully powered Serpent King.

Iron Man is still in disarray from his horrific battle in Paris and he's willing to do anything to stop fear from spreading all over the world, even if it involves him crawling back to his one weakness. After awhile of being sober, Stark downs a bottle of wine as a sacrifice to gain Odin's attention at once was Asgard on Earth; this surely catches his attention. From there, a deal is made, no one for sure knows what the exact deal is though.

At that time, Thor finds out one hell of a twisting shock about himself in relations to whom the Serpent King is as he's smacking around some of the King's minions. The Serpent King reveals himself to be the brother of Odin, thus being the Uncle of Thor. The Serpent King tries to convince Thor to join his side because Odin has not told him any truth, but this doesn't dissuade Thor from the fight, he charges at the Serpent King. The Serpent King acts fast though and teleports him between the possessed Hulk and Thing where Thor will face a battle against true monsters.

Iron Man 2.0 is a bit late to the party in the sense that it's following the Absorbing Man's quest to gain his hammer, but in every other Fear Itself tie-in, he already has his hammer. As the hammer of Greithoth falls down to Earth, it destroys the barrier between the vast planet and Hell as China becomes Ground Zero. Since there is already a team that is prepared for something like this, Rhodey gets caught up in the action as him and the Prince of Orphans is teleported to China. Once teleported, the Prince of Orphans explains that he's part of the team that's ready to send the demons that escape back to Hell. Absorbing Man and Titania/Skirn meets War Machine and the Prince of Orphan's team (with Iron Fist included in that team). On the other side of the planet, Steve Rogers asks Doctor Strange for help to seal up hell where he warns that hell isn't the only thing that should worry Steve, Iron Fist too is a problem.

In San Francisco, the Mutants are soon to be facing a deadly force that's coming right their way - the unstoppable Juggernaut.

Despite Wolverine being in the X-Men, he's currently away in New York battling a Helicarrier that Norman Osborn designed back when he was in charge of H.A.M.M.E.R. that was stolen by a British Terrorist Group called S.T.R.I.K.E. Their reasons for stealing such the massive U.S.S. Prometheus is unclear at the moment, but it does appear that it is carrying a nuclear warhead as it's hovering over New York. As Wolverine hacks his way through into the Helicarrier, he is shortly taken down by a member of S.T.R.I.K.E., now they have the upper hand.

Here's what's going down so far in the world of Marvel as everyone is going crazy with fear. I'll keep you all informed on what else is going on once I get a hold of other tie-ins or after August 10th, which is when Book Five comes out.


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