
Who is your favorite original founding Avenger?

The Last Of Us Gets Two Collector Editions

January 23, 2013 0 comments

Survival Edition Sony has announced yesterday that their upcoming post apocalyptic game, The Last of Us, will be getting two different special editions - the Survival Edition and the Post-Pandemic Edition. Both packages come with some pretty cool stuff. The Survival Edition will cost you $79.99 and includes: The Art of The Last of Us The Last of Us: American Dreams #1 comic Steelbook game case Sights & Sounds DLC Pack Naughty Dog Sticker Sheet The Post-Pandemic Edition will be more expensive with a $159.99 price tag, but it will include: 12 inch premium statue by Project Triforce Steelbook edition of the game The Last of Us:...

HumbleBundle, 5 dollars for 7 games.

November 29, 2012 0 comments

Another great deal is available at, a deal made for you and for charity. HumbleBundle is known for giving you some great games for some incredible prices so for about 5 bucks or so you can get some triple A games to add to your collection.  Don't worry though, you have 13 days to think about adding these games to your library. ...

Nintendo Announces Wii Mini For Canada

November 27, 2012 0 comments

The Wii has a new look as Nintendo has announced today that they will be releasing a new Wii model that is smaller in size and smaller in price. The Wii Mini will only be released in Canada with no sight of releasing it in other countries in the future. The newly designed console is red and black and comes with a red Wii-mote and Nunchuck. Nintendo will be releasing the Wii Mini just in time for the holidays as it will be out on December 7 for $99....

SMITE Beta Key

November 16, 2012 0 comments

Ever wanted to get in on playing a game in Beta? Well right now if you act fast you can. SMITE, a new and upcoming third-person multiplayer arena styled game is allowing only a few thousand people to get a chance to claim a Beta key. The game is inspired by Dota, so if you are a fan you might want to give it a try. Head on over to the smite website for more info on the game, and head on over here for that key. ...

Tomb Raider Collector's Edition Revealed

November 12, 2012 0 comments

Collector Edition junkies should be glad to hear that Square Enix has revealed the Tomb Raider Collector's Edition for North America, which comes with: 8" Play Arts Kai Lara Croft Figurine 15" x 19" Double Sided Island Map and Poster 5" x 7" Lithograph 3 Iron-On Badges Weapon Pack DLC 10 Track Score Survival Tin The cost of this Collector's Edition will be $99 and will be out on March 5, 2013 for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.  There is also a European Collector's Edition as well with a few differences. The European Survival Collector's Edition includes: Art Book 15 x 19" Double Sided Island Map and Poster Waterproof...

Echo's Revenge: The Ultimate Game Review

November 11, 2012 1 comments

What would you do if the biggest and baddest boss from your favorite video game was real and it went after you and your friends? In Echo's Revenge: The Ultimate Game, two brothers Reggie and Jeremy encounters the same dilemma as they run away from their abusive home. The Ultimate Game is the first book of the Echo's Revenge series written by Hart Getzen that follows two brothers Reggie (Age 14) and Jeremy (Age 11) on a journey they will never forget. Both brothers are hardcore fans of the fictional game, Echo's Revenge; Reggie is considered one of the "Master Gamers" of Echo's Revenge. Life isn't just a video game, every one tells...

Good-Bye Friend Codes

November 7, 2012 2 comments

You know those pesky Friend Codes that Nintendo had? Well sometime in the near future no one will remember them anymore as Nintendo has confirmed that they will be replacing the current system with a "more user-friendly Account ID system" for the Wii U.  This Account ID system will be linked with your Nintendo Network I...

Borderland's First Expansion Coming This Tuesday

October 11, 2012 0 comments

If you've already beaten Borderlands 2 and maxed out your character then get ready to put the disc back into your console because Gearbox is releasing it's very first campaign expansion next week, titled: Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty. The Expansion pack has an indefinite Pirate theme to it and will add new features a new HUB world dubbed Oasis, new enemy archetypes, a whole new vehicle in the form of a hovering motorboat and an unknown form of currency called seraph crystals; and this is only what was Gearbox revealed so far, there could be much more including a new rarity color for itmes, new heads and skins, and even increasing...

Get your Hands on the Mechromancer today!

October 9, 2012 0 comments

Gearbox has promised us a brand new class to play as this October: Gaige the Mechromancer. While she was originally planned to be released on the 18th Randy Pitchford of Gearbox tweeted earlier yesterday that the Mechromancer will be available to download Today. Noone's exactly sure why they've pushed up the date but I'm not complaining, I did get her for free after all. Those who didn't pre-order Borderlands 2 will still have to purchase her for $10.00 (800 MS points) unfortunately. If you're still unsure about dowloading Gaige, you can check out her skill tree on the Borderlands 2 Website and customize it anyway you wa...

Free Pokémon In Pokémon Black & Blue Gotta Free 'Em All

October 8, 2012 0 comments

Have you ever felt like Pokémon was a cruel game and wished you could liberate them all? Well now you and PETA have something in common. Now you can "Free 'Em All" in PETA's newest parody game Pokémon Black & Blue Gotta Free 'Em All. In Pokémon Black & Blue Gotta Free 'Em All, you play as the beloved Pikachu as you fight trainers such as Cheren and Professor Juniper in order to liberate all your Pokémon friends from the evil clutches of humans. As a reward for beating trainers and freeing Pokémon, PETA threw in some videos of animals being beaten and tortured. So far there is no word from Nintendo...

Even More New Animal Crossing 3ds Info

October 5, 2012 0 comments

More Info for Animal Crossing 3ds was released today on Nintendo Direct. The video show cases tons of new details that are installed in this new game. Basic/Mayor Info: - Flowers will sparkle depending off if they’ve been watered. - Can design roads - they added the character for ‘road’. There’s a camping ground, sometimes there’ll be campers - villagers who don’t live in your village. - help out your in-game friends with purchasing decisions - When you sit in the mayor’s seat, Shizue will come up and talk to you. - Once you’ve decided what to build, go with Shizue to decide where. Then they’ll show you what it will look like....

Review: Darksiders II

October 1, 2012 0 comments

War, rider of the red horse, has been falsely accused of pre-emtively triggering the Apocalypse and has been imprisoned and only his brother can save him. His name is Death, the oldest and strongest of the four Horsemen, and you take control of the pale rider in this outstanding sequel, Darksiders II. The Good - Amazing Level Design - Death is a really well written character - Challenging puzzles and combat - Environments look stunning  - Great RPG and Loot System The Bad - Story feels disconnected from gameplay - Not as long as I hoped it to be - Horseback riding could have more to it The Ugly - Last Boss was disappointingly too...

Review: Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition

September 26, 2012 1 comments

Only a few years ago Minecraft became an instant hit with it's simplistic yet entirely unique gameplay and stuck the world by storm. So Mojang decided to make a full release of the game on the Xbox Live Arcade, but does it stack up to the PC version? Right now I would have to say No, while the game still plays the same as the PC version, the 360 edition is seriously lacking the amount of content that you can only get on your computer. The Xbox 360 edition only gives you the basic item's right now like crafting items, tools and basic weapons like the sword and bow and there are even a limited amount of Mobs you see in the game too, only the...

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