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Marvel Celebrating 50 Years With Graphic Novels And Variants

July 19, 2011

To celebrate Marvel's 50th anniversary next year, Marvel will be releasing series of graphic novels that will be worked on by current writers and artists going back in time retelling the origins of beloved super heroes. These stories will be called Season One, with four graphic novels already planned:

  • Fantastic Four: Season One - Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa/David Marquez - February
  • X-Men: Season One - Dennis Hopeless/Jamie McKelvie - March
  • Daredevil: Season One - Anthony Johnston/Wellinton Alves - April
  • Spider-Man: Season One - Cullen Bunn/Neil Edwards - May

The second wave will be hitting stores shortly after the first wave says Tom Brevoort, Marvel's senior vice president of publishing. He also states the reason behind these graphic novels:

"We're hoping to introduce folks who have never read any of these characters to these characters in this format, and also provide an interesting and illuminating story for people who have read a lot of Fantastic Four and Daredevil."

Don't worry, it's not a reboot or anything like that, everything is exactly the same; there's no retconning of any sort going on. These graphic novels would be really nice to have, and I'm looking forward to these stories. Here's a preview of Fantastic Four: Season One for you guys.

Along with Graphic Novels, Marvel is also celebrating their 50 years by having Marvel Comics 50th Anniversary Variants for the listed comics all coming out this October:

  • The Mighty Thor #7
  • Avengers #18 
  • New Avengers #17
  • Hulk #42
  • Uncanny X-Force #16
  • Deadpool #45
  • X-23 #15
  • X-Men #19


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