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Jungle Map U pdate: Day Two

August 7, 2011

News for the gaming and comic book world has been quite slow today, which gave me the chance to do a pretty good amount of work on my map along with reading a collection of Ms. Marvel and The Walking Dead comics I have just obtained. I've mainly been working on my Team Fortress 2 map.

Today, I worked pretty much finished the basic layout of the map, all I need to do is add some entities, finish up the underground room and add some boundaries. I started to work on the cave and tunnel systems, the tunnel systems just turned out to be an underground room where the first control point would be located. I then went back topside and started to construct the Red team's spawn and possibly final point which is going to be constructed to look like a tree house. I also redid a control point to make it more obvious on what order to cap the points.

One you get out of the Blu spawn, you'll have to take a left and start to go through the cave and go down the stairs to the underground passage where the first point is located. 

 Right outside of the Blue spawn

 One way out of the Blu spawn

 Inside the cave

 A look at the Blu spawn still under construction

I'm kind of stumped on what to do with the underground passage, so far all I've added was a waterfall and a little pond. Before you start going, "How does a waterfall underground work?" Let me explain, I've constructed it to make it look like there is a leak on the ceiling and water is pouring from another waterfall and pond that is above the underground water, which I will show you in a few pictures. There are two ways to get in and out of the underground passage, the second way in/out will lead to the second control point.

 Underground passage

Stairs leading to second point

Second point
In front of the second point is a large area of open space that will be decorated with different types of entities. In the area is the waterfall and pond that I mentioned earlier. In the same area, I might make an part of the area dedicated to trees.

 Waterfall and pond

Above those trees and the open area is where the Red spawn will be located along with the tree house area. Once the Red team gets out of their spawn, all they have to do is take a right and they will be able to walk right to the final point where the last stand between Red and Blu will take place.
 Blu will be able to get up via ramps in the open area or hey can cross a bridge from the middle island (the center of the map) which they can get access to once I add some displacement near the Blu spawn.

Final point

Red spawn still under heavy construction

 Overview of the map from the tree house

Lots of things still need to be worked on, like a series of support beams for the tree house and possibly large rocks so Red or Blu won't be able to kill each other from across the map. The underground passage will be my biggest problem though, I really can't figure out what to do with it in terms of its design. I'm still trying to add a river, I'll do that once I get the entities and completely finish the basic design of the map, meaning when I finish adding all the brushes. After the entities and brushes are laid out, then I'll work on the environment with the lighting, skybox and boundaries. 

Things are working quit well so far, I haven't run into any major problems like I normally do, but I'm really enjoying this map and how it's turning out. If you have any suggestions or are concerned about something, just ask, I want to make this map have an enjoyable gameplay and I want it to be pretty balanced; I have been keeping all classes in mind, I don't want snipers to be sniping from across the whole map so I'm going to try to make sound rocks to blind them. I am also trying to make a good place for Engineers, but not too good that no one will be able to get them at all. I think that Spies will have a fun time on this map though. One big concern I have is the lack of space Demos and Soldiers have with sticky/rocket jumping, especially in the underground passage, it seems like it will be too close quarters for them.

Tomorrow I will add more entities and brushes, that should probable take the whole day to do. Between now and then, I will try to figure out what to do with the underground passage.


  1. Anonymous said...:


  1. Dirt said...:

    make it look more tf2

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