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Team Fortress 2 Jungle Map

August 6, 2011

For the past several months, I've been on and off working on a Team Fortress 2 map. I have gone roughly through five different version of the map, reasons being that my file got corrupted after tons of hours of work so I had to start from scratch all the way to me not being satisfied and I once again start from scratch.

This time will be the final version, that's what I hope at least, that I have started from scratch. The map is a mining jungle theme that will include tons of trees and watery areas along with tunnel systems.

My first choice was making a 5 point CP map, but as of now, I'm currently re-deciding on what gameplay the map will turn into; it will most likely be a regular CP or a 5 point CP map. Originally, one point was going to be inside this tree house like construct made out of the models that Valve provides. The tree house was the center of the map and was on an island surrounded water that drifted off to another little island with a control point on it.

In my current version, I'm going to try to re-add the tree house; I had some problems with it at first, some models I used weren't solid and players were able to walk right through them. I'm still going to have a river that leads to one section of the map and then I'll have some tunnel/cave systems that will contain one control point.

I've already put a couple of hours of work into it already.

 The cross-hair is on a basic version of a spawn base

I need to learn how to blend better

I'm going to try to get it done this week, that is if I don't run into past problems. I'll also be putting up my progress up here. I'm currently trying to get the blending to work for my textures. I'm using the displacement tool and using the alpha button, but nothing seems to be blending the way it's suppose to. I'll do more research into it and figure out what I'm doing wrong.


  1. Dirt said...:

    it looks like shiiiiiiiit

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Dirt you just hating like always <3

    He just worked on it for like a hour and a half, with major distractions.

    Don't b racist yo.

  1. Androo said...:

    Dirt, why must you hurt my feelings. </3

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Idk how i feel about this...I don't think you will be able to fit all the BUILDINGS into the map. And will you be making it so there will be SAND near the SIDES of the spawn?

    im so darn clever!!!

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