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New Details of first Gears 3 DLC pack

October 4, 2011

EPIC announced a while ago that the first DLC pack will be available this November, now details have emerged on the new "Horde Command pack". The new pack will add a bunch of new additions to the already massive Horde 2.0 as well as Gears 3 Multiplayer. Microsoft gave us the full details on what's in store.


Blood drive - A fan favorite from Gears of War 2, the map returns with a Gears 3 theme. Lots of high ground and tight corners make this a constant changing stage.

Rustlung - A once proud Tyran Navy Battle ship, the hulls are now riddled with bullet holes, an exposed weapons bay will lead you to an abandoned but still useable silverback.

Azura - The island hotel that was meant as an escape for Sera's top scientist has turned into a battlefield. Two parallel sniper posts overlook a heavy weapon spawn, surrounded by cover.

Fortification Upgrades

Command Center - An upgrade to the command posts, you can call in friendly sniper teams, friendly mortar strikes and even the hammer of dawn system.

Decoy Upgrade - Turn your decoy into an Onyx Guard bot that fights for you.

Sentry Upgrade - The new upgrade shoots fire bolts that deals more damage to enemies and causes damage to berserkers as well.

Silverback Upgrade - Give your mech suit deadly rockets, extra health and make it cost less money to repair it.


- Burnie
- Big Rig Dizzy
- Onyx Guard

Weapon Skins (see above image)

- Team plasma (animated)
- Jungle Camo

This new pack will cost a total of 800 MS points buuuuut, those who purchased the season pass will receive it at a discount. Excited for the new DLC? I sure am.


  1. Anonymous said...:

    People who got the season pass don't get it at a discount they get it free

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